Gee you don’t suppose that the huge hooplah over this:
Timothy Cahill Indicted in Corruption Case
has anything to do with this:
Coakley Intends to Seek Third Term as Attorney General
Oh, and while I am piling on, and even though this is a wee bit stale:
I would like to point out that my comment in this thread turned out to be largely accurate.
It is almost as if she is using her office to advance her own political prospects. I wonder if she should indict herself.
Please share widely!
The AG should not go after predator banks and should continue to look the other way on corruption. Thanks for the post.
Details in your other post.
Did you see the Globe story yesterday on the “fine line” Cahill faced? It brought up this angle but dismissed it away, quoting George Brown, a professor at Boston College Law School and former chairman of the State Ethics Commission:
I wonder if the writer or Brown read EB3’s BMG thread before writing this story, where Ernie and I both brought this up, and thought, those guys are just perverse. Oh well thanks Globe. Not.
But I will say that you, the writer, and Prof. Brown are brilliant!
are important, but at the municipal level, it’s mostly crap.
Take a stupid online test until you pass it. (I admit I enjoyed it, but other people may have a life). If you don’t take it, print out your certificate, and turn it into the town clerk in my case, nothing happens.
Call for an opinion on a situation and they’ll always tell you to say something. I had to vote to award a permit for a gravel permit. My electrician is the brother-in-law of the property owner. I had to read a letter at the hearing.
Meanwhile, there’s no dent in corruption or ethics breaches as far as I can tell. And Beacon Hill fails to make itself accountable.
Martha Coakley says she’s running for another term as AG. She won her last election after losing the US Senate race and won it easily. The Boston Globe says she is the most popular elected official in Massachusetts. Apparently she is doing more than enough right. Don’t see how the Cahill indictment is some great stepping stone to re-election (or higher office).
Get over it. Martha Coakley is an effective and well liked AG.
Forgot the ?????
Martha may not be a “bad AG”, she may just be an AG…doing what politically elected AG’s do…politically elected people, once elected, must think of ways to get their work noticed by the public…Martha chose to use indictment press conferences to do so and TV spots starring her to do it…she is no different than Steve Grossman cruising the state to get in local papers giving away lottery money or “unclaimed” money as if it belongs to him…or Bill Galvin making scads of TV spots starring himself telling people to vote or putting his picture on brochures displayed at every Post Office (his predecessor Mike Connolly made this self-promotion an art form)…or Congressmen who spend federal tax dollars printing and franking “newsletters” under the guise of public information…
AGs do not go on to become Governors or Senators in Massachusetts for a reason…what makes a person an acceptable AG, makes them a terrible campaigner and would result in an even worse administrator/legislator…