Can’t find the spot on, it ran just before I posted at around 3:35pm this afternoon. Frank Phillips (who has covered former-Rep Frank’s career extensively) had a ~ three minute spot on how Governor Patrick has been put in an uncomfortable position by Frank’s outspoken bid for the interim seat. Republican newspapers/ are carrying the story with video of Governor Patrick’s reply. Read the body language of the master of coy, Governor Patrick. Does not spell Barney Frank for interim senator to me.
heartlanddem @ Sat 5 Jan 7:54 PM
Part 2 No Date
Elections are about money, momentum and lots of hard work. Scott Brown had those ingredients and deserved to win the Senate seat because he worked harder thank Coakley. I am one who still believes that the seat is precious and should not go to the establishment candidate just because…..just because.
Scott’s veneer has worn thin. His voting record is clear and voters of the Commonwealth may lean center right for Governor knowing the Lege is controlled by alleged Democrats (plutocrats in reality), BUT we do not want a Tea Party Poster Boy or Girl as our Senator or Governor.
MSNBC had a couple of intriguing rips on the TEA Party today and it seems plausible that the support Brown once enjoyed from the wingnuts is done and done.
The GOP is in tatters with no leadership or cohesiveness. I do not see outside GOP funding or strategic messaging as viable in the near future. Will they rebuild? Ya, sure there is too much greed, avarice and ignorance out there for them not to attempt another morph.
Brown was just plain not likeable at the closing weeks of the campaign. And even though Gayle and the “girls” – who are adults by the way, “stood by their man,” they all have talent and egos that may just want to recapture a life and identity for themselves. Gayle did not look like a happy woman during either of the Senate campaigns. It’s one thing to give up or down-size your career for your spouse who becomes Senator (although Dr. Biden didn’t), but it’s another to risk never getting back in the studio because you’re a middle aged, slightly overweight woman in an extraordinarily competitive business where appearance – perception as well as physical matter. Just sayin’
I would be surprised to see him run again. Fame and fortune are big draws but a big lobbyist paycheck is a game changer, too.
heartlanddem @ Thu 6 Dec 9:22 PM
Part 3 – Markey in the Corner Pocket