With all the talk about companies taking advantage of ObamaCare to cut back on their own obligations, it was heartening to read in today’s Globe that Cumberland Farms “is reclassifying more than 1,200 part-time workers to full time to make them eligible for health insurance beginning Oct 1. The company said the move will cost the company several million dollars but will help it retain valued workers, which it said would please customers and pay off in the long run.”
I know which convenience store I’ll be using when I can.
Please share widely!
sabutai says
That is good news. Good for them…though this won’t help any remaining ambitions Mihos has with our conservative friends in the Bay State.
danfromwaltham says
I thought that was a lie being spread by some Tebowing loving capitalist tariff raising protectionist guy in Waltham? Are you saying its true?? You mean UPS and Delta Airlines are cutting back on insurance coverages b/c of Obamacare?
Thank you Cumberland Farms for providing health insurance for p/t workers. Hope nobody cares you sell Gulf gasoline along with your milk and holiday eggnog.
If not for the sale of gasoline, they wouldn’t be doing this, not a chance. So fill it with 87 Octane please. And don’t mess with the Hoff! David Hasselhoff is their spokesman. Remember his song from the Berlin Wall in 89′? “I am looking for Freedom”. Sing it everyone!
johnk says
Again : )
judy-meredith says
and providing healthcare coverage for their employees.
judy-meredith says