Some personal thoughts and questions that remained unanswered.
After reading Tuesday’s Boston Globe story, a Blue Mass Group post came to mind. There are some unanswered questions…
Candidate Connolly has two bios. The first speaks to the Councillor’s experience “representing an investor syndicate in a leveraged buy-out of a large, privately held publishing company.” Then there’s the “official” bio without the aforementioned information.
The company in question is DirectoryM, which is listed on the Schofield Campbell and Connolly list of clients.
Specific experience “representing an investor syndicate in a leveraged buy-out of a large, privately held publishing company” is noted, yet hasn’t come up (to my knowledge), and is no longer identified within a current bio. That, in turn, leads me to wonder about appears to be missing in exploring this closer. Job creation? An attorney, based upon the information, is responsible for representing a company that fired people in Boston with jobs that were perhaps outsourced overseas?
My questions are…Why the discrepancy and bio change (keeping in mind there may very well be no connection from A is to B is to C)? What happened to the jobs and were they outsourced?
Perhaps in the days leading up to the election, the answers to the questions on this issue will surface.
that Connolly worked on the DirectoryM matter? That would be very useful to know.
Did they really take away jobs and moved them overseas? Or did they established offices in other countries to try to conduct business there.
So there’s that too … nice digging though (no snark).
The first link describe it as “cut 20 jobs”, but the second link has:
Which makes it seem more like people leaving voluntarily and not being immediately replaced.
I would not necessarily consider opening offices in other countries to be “outsourcing”. If you just want to outsource, it is usually far easier and cheaper to actually contract out to some other company than go to the trouble to actually open your own offices and have to deal with local laws and US export regulations.
And since it is not at all clear what Connolly has to do with this or whether in fact he had anything at all to do with it, I don’t see this as being especially interesting or relevant.