Some personal thoughts and questions that remained unanswered. After reading Tuesday’s Boston Globe story, a Blue Mass Group post came to mind. There are some unanswered questions… Candidate Connolly has two bios. The first speaks to … [Read more...]
Connolly and the Koch brothers use the same “research” firm?
Connolly and the Koch brothers use the same "research" firm? Yes, it's true. Very interesting to this educator that the Connolly vendor mentioned in the Boston Globe article is Braun Research. As stated in the Globe article, Braun … [Read more...]
MCAS Leads to Lower Expectations
James McDermott is a former Massachusetts Teacher of the Year, member of the MCAS Development Committee and now an Assistant Professor of Education at Clark University. He was a major booster of MCAS when first implemented. Today he … [Read more...]
Michelle Rhee Flunks Bill Maher’s Test
Too often Michelle Rhee does not get challenged when she pushes the corporate education agenda. And when she does, she never has any good answers. Here is a recent interview with Bill Maher that illustrates how Rhee has little substance … [Read more...]
Community Involvement & Education Excellence
Many here at BMG understand that there is no "magic bullet" to solve the challenges facing our education system. One of the overlooked components to addressing these challenges is input from the community. The Boston Teachers Union … [Read more...]
A Year at Mission Hill School
Filmmakers Tom and Amy Valens have produced a documentary chronicling a "Year at Mission Hill" school in Boston and the challenges facing teachers and administrators in an urban environment. Here is the first of a 10-part video series … [Read more...]
Cheating on standardized tests examined by Frontline
With the increasing reliance on standardized tests to determine education policies, Frontline “raises questions” about possible cheating on test scores touted by controversial Michelle Rhee when she headed Washington, DC … [Read more...]
Honor a Public School Teacher!
Did a public school teacher make an impact on your life? Would you like to honor this teacher and share your story? The American Federation of Teachers of Massachusetts and the Boston Teachers Union will be videotaping convention … [Read more...]