This from the Springfield Republican’s write-up of tonight’s debate in Northampton among the Democratic candidates for Governor. As far as I can tell, the news from the debate is that Joe Avellone has pulled a Berwick on casinos:
Avellone said the benefits of casinos were oversold and he is against casino gaming, a view also shared by Berwick.
“There is an overestimate in the revenue to the commonwealth,” he said. “And it will add a whole new health burden to this commonwealth. The cost is not worth the benefit and there are other ways to add to our economy.”
Also amusing: Martha Coakley grudgingly admitted that she would vote against a casino if proposed for her home town of Medford, and Steve Grossman would do the same, even though both apparently support bringing casino gambling to somewhere else in the state.
Anyway, here’s the photo – what’s your caption?
… so here they are:
(Coakley) “Kayyem get back in your chair. Perfect, we’ve been successfully alphabetized.”
(Avellone thinking) “Why does Mike Lake keep inching over here?”
(Berwick thinking) “Hmm do I need to break out this pocket constitution yet, or is that only a presidential candidate move?”
(Grossman) “Breathe in.. breathe out… Oh no. Why am I the only one clapping again?”
(Kayyem) “AHAHAHA just wait ’til they hear my Kayyem / K ’em baseball commercials. Absolutely Devastating.”
He’s evolved since I saw him last week at a candidate forum in Grafton. I asked him about casinos and the lottery, citing my own experience with Casino Free Milford and the lottery/Grossman post by megeara here at BMG, and he certainly didn’t answer me that definitively. I didn’t videotape him, but I recall him saying that he wasn’t giving me the answer I wanted to hear – he certainly wasn’t this dead set against casinos last Thursday. I hope I helped shape this apparent change!
Coakley: “When I say we need a woman as governor, I don’t mean YOU!”
“You’re the one I’m worried about!”
Martha Coakley: How do you think the Red Sox will do in the Super Bowl?
Steve Grossman: Oh Lord, why is she in this election.
Juliette Kayyemm: I have money. So there, Emily’s List.
Best Magic Trick Ever
… but am curious:
Is it just me or does it seem that the expressions on the men run the entire gamut from dour to sour and that the women, in contrast, appear to be actually enjoying themselves???
I’m sure, also, that the fact that, from the point of view of the seated, all the men are looking either center or right and the women are looking or leaning left means nothing…
Martha Coakley (to Steve Grossman): Steve, you look JUST LIKE Prince Charles.
Juliette Kayyemm: (laughing in response) She’s RIGHT!
Grossman and Coakley I expected, but Kayyem middle of the road junk she’s been shoveling is disappointing. David notes Grossman and Coakley awful response on the casino question, and rightly so. Kayyem on the other hand didn’t even answer, just some baloney about how wonderful Patrick is. Hopefully she’ll turn it around, but at this point here theme song should be “Say Something” – A Great Big World.