In case you missed it, today’s Globe has a big story (page B1) on Democratic volunteer extraordinaire, and long, long-time BMGer (her “person number” is 134, making her one of our longest-term still-active users, and taking her way back into our Typepad days), Kate Donaghue.
Dozens of friends are expected to canvass in her honor Sunday for her 60th birthday, with Governor Deval Patrick slated to appear.
“She’s a force of nature,” said John E. Walsh, the former state party chairman, who now runs Patrick’s political action committee. “Nobody really does it quite as well, as hard, or as effectively as she does.”
Elections don’t win themselves. People like Kate win them. Congratulations, Kate, and happy birthday!
Saw this on Anthony Guardia’s facebook page and was going to make a thread. But its fitting an editor has the honor for a long time member of our community and an even longer and productive member of our state party. Happy Birthday to Kate as well, a good week to be born 😉
She’s also famous for Dispatch which is vital for keeping us all informed and has spawned a few regional imitators.
What a great article – Kate, I’ll be canvassing Milford on Sunday in your name, and I’ll be wearing my “Kate” and my “You’ve Been Dispatched” buttons!
: )
You are an inspiration. Congratulations and Happy Birthday !
I know I speak for all the gang here : Mike Lake, Anthony Guardia, Katherine Clark.
And in your honor we will be out campaigning for Team Dem
this weekend !
Fred Rich LaRiccia
P.S. Come on Team. Let’s win this one for Kate !
My favorite line from the Globe story.
First, David thanks for posting. Thanks, all, for your recommends and comments.
But as Fred said it is about working to win. Please join one of my birthday canvass events.,
See you on Sunday!
Didn’t realize yours was also Oct 19th! We have some good company including Renaissance author Marsilio Ficino and Professor Dumbledore himself, Irish actor Michael Gambon. It will also be the 231st anniversary of the surrender of General Cornwallis to General Washington, so in a way ours is the true birthday of American independence. Enjoy and I’d be at your canvass if I was Bay-stateside.