10 Reasons to Vote for Martha Coakley
[Here is the text – Ed.]
10 Reasons to Vote for Martha Coakley (from a Don Berwick Supporter)
I was a strong supporter of Don Berwick, and Martha Coakley was my last choice in the Democratic Primary. She is painfully vague on some important questions, but I’ve found enough in her and Charlie Baker’s websites, in their answers to questionnaires, and in their responses to interview questions, to feel confident in making a strong recommendation that voting for Martha Coakley is what we have to do on Election Day.
Here, then, are Ten Reasons to Vote for Martha Coakley for Governor:
#1. Charlie Baker’s No Tax Pledge renders the rest of his campaign commitments as empty rhetoric. Although Charlie Baker appears to have more specific proposals for addressing the Commonwealth’s challenges, he has made a no-new- taxes pledge and picked a Tea Party Republican as his running mate. If there’s one thing that anyone who’s running on his record as a CEO should know, it’s that implementing good ideas takes resources.
Charlie Baker talks about creating an annual fund of $100 million for infrastructure repair … at the same time as he opposes indexing the gas tax. He commits to increasing Local Aid; he talks about increasing State Budget spending on environmental programs, including more land acquisition , working with coastal cities and towns to develop and implement strategies for addressing rising sea level and storm-related concerns; he promises increased resources for treatment for addiction; he talks about expanding rehabilitative services for incarcerated persons; he calls for more extensive supportive services for homeless families and families at risk of homelessness … all without increasing taxes or adding to the burdens of cities and towns. We’ve had Republican presidents and governors who made those same kinds of “you-can-have-it-all-and-it-won’t-cost-you-anything” promises, and we know that it just isn’t possible.
Baker does have some good ideas, and makes commitments we would like to believe in. But good CEOs know that with limited resources you have to make choices. When Harvard Pilgrim faced huge budget deficits, Charlie Baker made the decision to withdraw from the Western Mass. Medicare market, and terminate coverage to 3,500 seniors. As the Boston Globe reported, the consequences of Harvard Pilgrim’s fiscal belt-tightening were even harsher for Rhode Island subscribers: “In December 1999, an ailing Harvard Pilgrim Health Care pulled out of Rhode Island with two months’ notice, shuttering the company’s three health centers there and forcing 1,200 physicians and other employees to search for new jobs. Thousands of patients suddenly had to find new doctors, and about 128,000 subscribers scrambled for other health insurance. The Ocean State accounted for about 10 percent of Harvard Pilgrim’s customers but 45 percent of its losses, and to save the company, new chief executive Charles D. Baker essentially cut off its Rhode Island leg.”
These are the kind of decisions you make as a steely-eyed business executive, when you have only one bottom line. As a jurisdictional or state leader, the people you take an oath of office to serve, the environment you are entrusted to protect, and the future you commit to ensuring on behalf of the generations too young to vote are your bottom lines… in addition to taxpayers, bondholders, and campaign donors.
Charlie Baker’s good ideas are only campaign rhetoric … unless there are resources to back them up. And by making a no new taxes commitment, he has boxed himself into a corner, from which he won’t be able to implement them.
#2. Martha Coakley is Right on 3 out of 4 Questions; Charlie Baker Takes All the Wrong Positions
On Question 1, Coakley supports gas tax indexing; Baker opposes it. While none of us think the gas tax is the most progressive alternative, it is some of the only funding consistently available for infrastructure repair and development. If the gas tax was based on the price of gas and not the number of gallons sold, revenues would have gone up over the past decades without any indexing. As it is, with cars getting better mileage — which of course is a good thing — gas tax revenue will go down without indexing. And anyone who expects Mass. Legislators to proactively raise other funds for infrastructure, just hasn’t been paying attention. As it is, the legislatively enacted gas tax increase was only a fraction of what’s needed to address a two decade backlog of infrastructure repair during the Weld, Cellucci, and Romney administrations.
- On Question 2, Coakley supports the expanded bottle bill; Baker opposes it. While 80% of bottles with deposits are redeemed and recycled, only 23% of water and sports drink containers are redeemed or recycled; the rest end up as litter or landfill material. At a recent forum, Martha Coakley was unambiguously supportive, while Charlie Baker was unable to provide a clear reason for voting NO. The bottling industry has been taken to task for its misleading advertisements. Charlie Baker is on their side; Martha Coakley is on ours.
- On Question 3, alas, both Coakley and Baker have been hoodwinked by the gambling industry. Do I wish that Don Berwick was on the November ballot? Next question.
- On Question 4, Coakley is strongly in support of earned sick time (YES on Question 4). Charlie Baker opposes Question 4, claiming that only companies with 50 or more employees should have to offer paid sick time. The ballot initiative requires companies with 11 or more employees to allow workers to accrue paid sick time, and smaller companies to allow workers to accrue unpaid sick time. For thousands of low wage workers who are a paycheck away from eviction or utility shutoff or hunger, Charlie Baker’s proposal would continue to leave only one viable choice: coming to work sick, where they infect their co-workers and customers.#3.CharlieBakersupportstheDeathPenalty;MarthaCoakleyopposesit. AsnotedinaBostonGlobearticleabout Bakers support for capital punishment in his last campaign, in addition to everything else that’s wrong with the death penalty, it costs significantly more to pursue and implement than a prison alternative.#4. Martha Coakley’s education policies are more in line with the realities of working people.
- Recognizing the increasing body of evidence of the importance of pre-school participation and educationalpreparedness in determining educational and professional outcomes, Martha Coakley has made universalaccess to early education a top priority, starting with Massachusetts Gateway Cities; Charlie Baker has not.
- With respect to higher education, Martha Coakley’s platform calls for full-need financial aid for studentsattending the state’s Community Colleges; Charlie Baker has instead called for on-line learning options and three-year degrees … which might be great for high-performing students, but is completely unrealistic for average working class community college students who need to support themselves while they learn.
- Martha Coakley understands and has worked to expose and punish the exploitive practices of for-profit colleges that provide misleading advice to prospective students about the courseloads they can handle and about the employment outcomes they can count on … and then grow rich on the educational loans their students can’t afford to repay; Charlie Baker is silent on this issue.#5.MarthaCoakleymoresquarelyaddressestheneedforcorrectionsreform. Althoughshedoesn’tgoasfarinfavor of sentencing reform and community corrections as many progressives would like, Martha Coakley is explicit in her opposition to the construction of new prisons, so that we can “shift funding from prison expansion to focus on crime prevention and prisoner rehabilitation, including diversion, education and job training programs for court-involved or incarcerated individuals, and an expanded network of supports for individuals transition back into society, including behavioral health counseling. This effort will bring down costs, reduce recidivism and improve public safety.” Charlie Baker agrees about the potential benefit of alternatives to incarceration, including treatment, of non-violent offenders, but is silent on the question of more prisons. Both candidates favor elimination of mandatory minimums for drug- related non-violent crimes.#6. Martha Coakley has the passion to lead on gender-related issues and improving access to behavioral health care. Martha Coakley is clearly committed to addressing gender inequities at the workplace, protecting access to reproductive health and choice, and better addressing domestic violence. And she is equally committed to improving access to behavioral health care. Charlie Baker may not be far behind her on these issues, but they are Martha Coakley’s passion, and that means they will be high priorities, and not get lost in a sea of other agenda items.
#7. Charlie Baker is a health care demagogue. On health care, where you might hope he would excel, Charlie Baker offers the same tired — and misleading — rhetoric about controlling costs by giving consumers more and better cost information upon which to make their decisions and by insisting on the need for a waiver from Obamacare.
First of all, the Commonwealth is already pursuing the path towards transparency with the implementation of http://www.getthedealoncare.org/ pursuant to the Massachusetts Health Care Cost Containment law, Chapter 224 of the Acts of 2012. But realistically, does anyone expect to control health care costs by asking consumers — people like you or me who need medical care to resolve a health problem — to put lower cost ahead of greater reliability or quality when we shop around for care? Do we as individual consumers have the leverage to bargain down providers? When we have an urgent need for care, are we really going to shop around? Are residents of less well-served regions of the state going to seek care halfway across the Commonwealth to save their insurers a few dollars? Or, is Charlie Baker suggesting that the best way to save money is to force consumers to pay more of the cost of their care out of pocket? Health care relationships are based on trust; Making a decision about where to access treatment is not like figuring out which outlet has the cheapest pair of name brand jeans.
What we need is the kind of cost containment with incentives for quality that is part of the financing initiatives in Obamacare … which Charlie Baker wants to make Massachusetts exempt from (although most of his rhetoric is focused on the website). What we really need is single payer, but with Don Berwick off the ballot, there won’t be anyone in the corner office championing the best option.
Did Martha Coakley hand Partners a win in her effort to demonstrate competence on the health care front during the battle for the Democratic nomination? Probably. Is she more likely to advocate for consumers than the industry, given her background and experience as the Attorney General. I believe so. I give the advantage to Coakley on this issue, because good intentions matter more than expertise put to use to protect the wrong interests.
#8. On Gun control, I give the nod to Martha Coakley, because she didn’t choose a running mate with 100% ratings from the NRA and the Gun Owners’ Action League. Both Martha Coakley and Charlie Baker have come out in favor of gun control (although in a nod to gun rights groups, Charlie Baker affirms his support for the Second Amendment; is he suggesting Martha Coakley opposes it?). On the other hand, Karyn Polito, Baker’s running mate (a heartbeat away from the corner office) has a 100% rating from the NRA and the Gun Owners’ Action League. (Baker has discredited a SuperPAC ad by Coakley supporters claiming he opposed an assault weapons ban. http://www.masslive.com/politics/index.ssf/2014/10/republican_charlie_baker_defen.html )
#9. Martha Coakley has been clear in her opposition to the Kinder Morgan natural gas pipeline in Western Mass., an issue on which Baker has failed to take a public stand on. Both candidates understand the need for action to address climate change, and both have stated commitment to pursuing alternative energy sources and lower emission technologies. With her stand on the Kinder Morgan pipeline, Martha Coakley demonstrates her willingness to make hard decisions on energy choices.
#10. Martha Coakley pledged to increase funding for State Public Housing and for the Mass. Rental Voucher Program (MRVP) at a CHAPA-sponsored forum on affordable housing and homelessness at Faneuil Hall in September. At a time when thousands of homeless families are in shelter or motels, MRVPs are funded at half of the 1990 level. (Charlie Baker didn’t attend the forum; Democrats Berwick, Coakley, and Grossman; Republican Fisher; and independents Falchuk and McCormick all did.) Coakley’s platform on housing and homelessness focuses primarily on her excellent work on addressing foreclosures, but pretty much ignores the shortage of affordable rental housing and homelessness. Charlie Baker has little to say about affordable housing, but has given considerable thought to the problem and costs to the Commonwealth of family homelessness, and he deserves credit for that. But, given the historic failure of short-term fixes, and the demonstrated need among so many families for extended housing assistance, Charlie Baker’s failure to recommend increased funding for MRVP subsidies is a glaring and serious omission, and Coakley gets the nod for coming in on the right side of this issue.
I’m sure he tears up every time he thinks about it, though.
Ms. Coakley’s stock answer for pretty much all the questions about increasing tax revenue is “I’m open to that”. She has been no more forthright about how she proposes to fund her agenda than Mr. Baker. I think you greatly overstate the difference between the candidates on this issue (the most important of your list IMHO).
It’s not hard to understand why — Deval Patrick learned that the decision-maker about tax increases is Bob DeLeo. Neither Mr. Baker nor Ms. Coakley will be any more successful than Deval Patrick in accomplishing the significant tax increases on the wealthy that we desperately need so long as Mr. DeLeo controls the House.
Similarly, on the four ballot questions, neither candidate has any more influence than any of us — we each get a vote. Both gubernatorial candidates have said that if Question 2 passes, they’ll work to pass legislation evading it. Ms. Coakley, after all, devoted a significant amount of energy as AG in attempting to keep question 2 off the ballot altogether.
The other three questions will pass or fail based on the effectiveness of their respective campaigns. I won’t be casting a vote for EITHER gubernatorial candidate, and I’ll be voting NYYY on the questions. I suspect that I’ll not be alone in that strategy.
I agree that on the remaining issues you cite, I prefer Ms. Coakley’s stance. There is a similar list of issues that I belabored earlier in the campaign where Ms. Coakley has come down on the wrong side. I, for example, view Ms. Coakley as far more likely to continue to threaten my Fourth Amendment rights from government surveillance than Mr. Baker. It is hard for me to give her a pass on her enthusiastic support for the Patriot Act.
I understand that many of my Democratic colleagues will be voting for Ms. Coakley tomorrow. I will not be voting for either gubernatorial candidate.
In the not-too-distant past, many Democrats voted for John Silber, and many Democrats voted for Ed King. I heard similar arguments about why it was so crucial for me to vote for each (the ooga-booga-he’s-an-awful-REPUBLICAN mantra has been around a LONG time). I don’t mean to suggest that Ms. Coakley is equivalent to either former nominee. Instead, I remind us only that party loyalty has its limits and I hope we are all able to remember that and respect the choice we each make in the voting booth tomorrow.
I also won’t be casting a ballot for either of the two major-party nominees, for what that’s worth. It’s not a strategic vote, its a personal choice to not give my support to a candidate who has worked overtime to reject the issues that matter most to me. Including, but certainly not limited to, Question 3.
I knocked doors for Coakley once — against my better judgment — and it remains one of my few political regrets. Fool me once… can’t get fooled again.
Yes, I did indeed mean Q3.
Regarding the King, Frank Hatch was by far the more liberal candidate, was endorsed by liberal organizations (he later became a Democrat). I voted for him with enthusiasm. This was a time when there were decent Republicans who sensible people could vote for. I also voted for Ed Brooke and Eliot Richardson, and strongly supported Silvio Conte, who was a Republican true environmentalist (seen any of those lately?)
In the case of Silber, I simply did not want someone with his values recognized as leader of our party. Weld was the lesser of two evils.
In both cases, lots of Democrats voted for the Republican.
I will be voting for Coakley, but not with enthusiasm. I do not vote for any candidate simply because they have a “D” after their name. I certainly will NOT vote for Marian Ryan, who has been a mean spirited prosecutor. I will be writing in either Michael Sullivan or Harvey Silverglate.
At least Deval promised Magic Casinos to finance his similar unrealistic promises.
I find myself in agreement with porcupine on this one.
NEITHER candidate has shown the courage and/or intellectual integrity to talk about how they reconcile their respective proposals with our current fiscal reality, and how they propose to fund their respective “plans”.
I cannot imagine any set of circumstances in which it would be better to have Baker as governor over Coakley. I just don’t see it. Vote for Coakley.
can be alleviated by imposing time limits on residents of public housing.
His running mate calls it “tough love.”
why progressives would sit this election out or throw a vote to a meaningless third-party candidate instead of voting for Coakley. So what if she’s not pure. She will be infinitely better than Baker and this election is too close to indulge in protest votes. I’m a teacher and I’m not happy with Coakley’s stand on Charters, but I sure as hell know that Charlie Baker will be worse. I will not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I’m voting for Martha.
…there are supposed to be images at three different points throughout this diary, but they do not come through for me.
who now plans to vote for Coakley!
Bob — the Kinder Morgan pipeline proposal goes all the way through six Middlesex Country towns. Middlesex county is in EASTERN Massachusetts. Can you please correct your post?
I should note that the KM plan would have a spur down in the direction of the export/import terminals in Beverly, as well. That spur goes through two communities in Essex country the first KM open house is a week from tomorrow in North Reading, which is certainly not in Western Massachusetts!
For some of us, “Western Massachusetts” begins at I-495. As in “west of where I live”.
The radio ad that quotes the Globe’s endorsement of Baker because he’s “trustworthy.”
In the wake of Fisherman-gate, I wonder if the Globe editorial board wishes it could have that word back?
And if you want to know where she stands on the issues, visit her abandoned former website: http://www.karynpolitofortreasurer.com :-).
Or more practically, review her at votesmart.org
You can see her votes like “yes” for the constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman in 2007; and racinos, etc.