As spring arrives, when we turn to the Opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal, we find that Hell hath frozen over…
An Obamacare Plan Beats No Plan
The sudden withdrawal of the subsidies could put private insurance markets in as many as 36 states with federally run exchanges through another trauma two years after ObamaCare’s botched rollout.
As Democrats learned when they misled Americans into thinking they could keep health plans they liked, coverage disruptions inevitably become political furors. The disorder will be less than the White House claims but real nonetheless. The subsidies hide the costs of ObamaCare’s regulations and mandates, and nightmare stories about cancer patients without insurance will be common if this funding stops.
The Right Wing has realized that the extreme conservatives they packed the SCOTUS with could do terrible harm to the GOP’s electoral chances. Conservatives & Libertarians really do believe in letting people die… some of them understand how this could alienate moderate voters, but the question is, Can the base be brought in line?