Skip the polls. They don’t mean much this early. On the other hand, research has clearly shown that people want a President that has their back in a bar fight.
Don’t you want your President to be “the guy carving tattoos into his own arm with a broken bottle, the guy who palmed a handful of darts twenty freaking minutes before you even sensed there would be a fight, the guy who is slamming someone’s head into the bar long after the fight is over, screaming “Taste it! Taste it!”?
Why are the Donald and Tailgunner Ted so low on the list? Where does Chris “Big Chicken” Christie come in?
Democrats do beat Republicans, but who’s number one? The Martin “Shirtless” O’Malley? Bernie “Born to be Bad” Sanders? Hilary “The VRWC Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down” Clinton?
Iowa? New Hampshire? Paul Kirk? Who cares?
Bitter Empire has the skinny on which presidential candidate is best in a bar fight!
sabutai says
Someone who is tough, and can take a punch.
That eliminates Bush, Fiorina, and Rubio right off the bat.
Someone who can throw a punch effectively.
There goes Kasich, Paul, and O’Malley.
Someone who would fight dirty if they felt it was needed.
So much for Sanders.
That leaves us Trump, Cruz, Clinton, and Christie.
I don’t trust Trump’s stamina…I think after a couple punches he’d be looking for his security. Not sure Cruz would last too long before cowering under a table. And between Clinton and Christie…I’m gonna go with the guy from Jersey.
frankunderwood says
Same principle as a boy named Sue. Graham would whup everyone in a barfight.
sabutai says
…but he’s not running anymore.
judy-meredith says
Hillary’s #make my day
Mark L. Bail says
backed Clinton’s view on Sanders’ health care position?
What Bernie is saying is important, but I don’t think it’s going to fly with voters at this stage of the game.