National Grid and Eversource present most Ma. residents with a monthly gas bill . Part of our bill includes gas that is leaked.
Rarely do customers get billed for lost inventory; imagine Airlines made you pay for a plane that never came or a Hertz for a car you didn’t rent.
Now it appears the gas companies lost track of the leaks they didn’t fix….???
I am sure Tom May, the CEO of Eversource ,did not lose track of the 19mln he was paid last year.
Please share widely!
MA is actually leading the nation in kicking up dust about this issue. Home Energy Efficiency Team ( has been instrumental in monitoring gas leaks in Cambridge and Somerville with the aid of Nathan Philips of BU who is the leading expert on this subject. Nathan surveyed Boston and Washington DC gas leaks a couple of years ago which led to front page newspapers stories and traveled to CA to monitor the Porter Ranch gas disaster a few months ago. Representative Lori Ehrlich has been bird-dogging legislation on this topic for years now, recently with some success.
We need to build a new gas infrastructure designed to maximize renewable methane from biological sources and reduce fossil methane use. We should be considering methane management with zero emissions as an approachable goal.
Wish I knew how to better embed a video.