This is a Sheriff’s Star.
This is a Star of David.
They are not interchangeable! They are not geometrically the same! We already know that there is no one in the GOP that is going to identify the latest anti=Semitic attack on HRC for what it is. I personally think that any Bernie Sander’s supporters who are still posturing the possibility of voting for Trump rather than ever consider HRC should also identify this anti-Semitic attack on HRC for what it is.
This is the original image that is now being claimed to be a Sheriff’s Star. No it is not!
Please share widely!
ryepower12 says
And has been decried for what it is — far and wide.
But why bring Bernie Sander, who is Jewish, into it? Why bring Bernie Sanders primary supporters into it?
Pray, tell, where are all the Bernie supporters who are now backing Trump?
Show me one recent poll, please. Oh, you can’t? Didn’t think so.
In fact, here’s a Slate article absolutely gloating that Bernie supporters are rallying to Hillary’s flag for the general at significantly higher rates than Hillary’s 2008 supporters rallied to Obama. Apparently Bernie is irrelevant, according to Slate.
Vox also wrote an article about it, without Slate’s obnoxious gloating. In 2008, Hillary’s supporters were claiming the Mantle of PUMA — “party unity my ass” — saying they’d never vote for Obama in the general.
90% of them voted for Obama in the general. 90% or more of Bernie supporters will, too.
I think it’s safe to say that “Bernie or Bust” was a slogan from an angry period of the campaign that means little (or nothing) now.
There is absolutely, positively no reason for Hillary supporters to cling to it — which can only stir up antagonism among those who are ready to move on.
So, enough already. Please.
The primary’s over — we’re entering the general election phase. Time to move forward and focus on Trump, not to continue to alienate those who already detest and abhor Trump in abundance.
doubleman says
And to the extent Bernie supporters won’t back Clinton, it will likely be for Jill Stein or no one. Bernie voters aren’t going for Trump.
mike_cote says
and several have claimed that they were likely to support Trump. Unfortunately, I do not have any means to link to “several segments on MSNBC”.
ryepower12 says
where producers looked for *exactly* the audience that they wanted is an anecdote.
I sited two articles that looked at a multitude of polls which makes it very, very clear that those people in that anecdote are by no means representative of the typical Bernie Sanders supporter, at least 90% of whom will be voting for Hillary Clinton in the general election — the same rates of Hillary Clinton 2008 supporters who voted for Barack Obama in that general election.
This is not the group of voters you need to be particularly worrying about. And even if it were, this is not the way to do it.
sabutai says
…that did a thing on Hispanics supporting Trump. Those people are out there.
paulsimmons says
…an analysis of a recent Democracy Corps battleground poll in the Washington Post:
I mention in passing that Democracy Corps polling tends to have pro-Democratic house effects.
kbusch says
That suggests to me that one component of Sanders support consisted of people who liked Sanders the person without actually, necessarily buying Sanders’ policy prescriptions. To them, perhaps, it’s as if the policy prescriptions were useful props to reveal Sanders’ attractively crusty personality.
Of course, I have to believe (and hope it’s true) that the majority of Sanders’ supporters were not like this, that they actually supported his message not just him as messenger.
bob-gardner says
What am I missing?
mike_cote says
the Sheriff’s star has rounded points, almost like balls of solder over each point.
bob-gardner says
while I have a hyphen. We’re from two different worlds, apparently.
mike_cote says
but unfortunately, I was not able to get the “o-circumflex” or the “e-accent-aigu”. We argue about everything.
kbusch says
Maybe it’s because when I print I use serifs, but I notice details like this. Sheriff stars really do have those jelly beans at the ends.
Christopher says
…the red six-pointed star in the Trump tweet doesn’t look like either one of them. Honestly, when I first saw the Trump image I did not automatically think Star of David, which in my mind involves seeing the actual overlapping triangles.
tedf says
… that you’re not a Jew or a racist. Racists heard the dogwhistle. We Jews heard it too.
kbusch says
1. The image really did come from a racist site.
2. Media Matters offers up quotes from David Duke and the like who are explicitly grateful about receiving a dog whistle.
Christopher says
…but where did the moniker you bestowed on me come from?
TheBestDefense says
You are the guy who denied that Bill Cinton tried to cut SS benefits (wrongly) and who denied that HRC said she was staying in the 2008 race just in case Obama died pre-convention, despite her well documented comment “We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.”
Progressives have the worst possible candidate to support in November, except the GOP went one under HRC. I hope and expect she will be elected in November but she will be hobbled from Day 1 by GOP investigations and impeachment. Anybody who think the news from yesterday was good is delusional.
scott12mass says
is upset because she feels the star is from the occult
Many Jews and Christians have been deceived by Jewish Kabbalists who would have them believe that the six-pointed star is a Jewish symbol. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is not a Jewish symbol, but an occult symbol. The six-pointed star is a hexagram – a curse mark – no matter what name it may have: the Star of David, Solomon’s Seal, Double Triangle, Shield of David, etc. When the occult practitioner puts a curse on someone, he uses the hexagram!
It is not our goal to condemn the Jewish people, but to condemn the six-pointed star, a curse mark.
Wow, what a rorhschach test.
SomervilleTom says
Most of the Wiccans I know use the PENTAgram (five-pointed star). The web is chock full of all sorts of randomness about the Occult, I suspect anyone can find “support” for just about any assertion about the occult. The “star” that most of us use for accolades and emphasis (such as the “gold star” awarded to young children) is a five-pointed star (a pentagram).
Donald Trump’s use of a hexagram — without the little balls — is a clear dog-whistle to anti-Semites.
scott12mass says
She went through a bunch of crap (the textus receptus) to prove her point. (I don’t know how to link) but the hexagram as an important symbol apparently goes way back to the egyptians also.
If the triangles are overlaid (like Chris said) it’s a jewish thing, if they’re intertwined it’s a masonic thing. Maybe some intern just picked that from the “figures available” menu, because it provided more room within the star to type.
scott12mass says
Mary Ann Slipper, a Masonic author, writing in Symbolism of the Eastern Star, 1927, on page 14, makes a most telling admission, when she says, “The six pointed star is used in Masonic work and is also found in other well known secret orders.” Another Eastern Star book, The Second Mile , understates the impact of the hexagram when it says, “… the six pointed star is a very ancient symbol and one of the most powerful.”
The hexagram is a very powerful symbol to witches, magicians and sorcerers. It is used in different kinds of witchcraft, magic, occultism, and the casting of zodialcal horoscopes. Because it has six points, and because it contains a ‘666,’ the hexagram is considered to be Satan’s most powerful symbol. Look at the hexagram above. The first six is formed by the sides of each triangle facing the clockwise direction; the second six is formed by the sides of each triangle formed by facing the counterclockwise direction; the third six is formed by the sides of the inner hexagon.
SomervilleTom says
The point is WHY Mr. Trump chose to use this symbol. Do you really think Donald Trump cares about the distinction between all these carefully researched distinctions you’re trying to draw?
It’s a DOG WHISTLE. Of course there’s some way to explain it. After all, millions of people in the deep south will STILL tell you that the Civil War was about State’s rights. They’ll also tell you that they “just like” the “cute little” lawn jocky lighting their front walk.
Get real, please!
TheBestDefense says
There are lots of interpretations of the six pointed star and this a rare case where Wiki covers the field well.
Andrei Radulescu-Banu says
@realDonaldTrump not long ago was bragging how he’s the greatest friend of Israel… What a class act.
Christopher says
…of any and every demographic group – just ask him!:)
petr says
… that the shape of a Sheriffs badge, similar in shape to that of a ‘Star of David’, was the result of Freemasonry in the Old West… which would, in fact, make them similar in origin since, my understanding is (I am not a Freemason) that much of the symbolism in Freemasonry derives from the building of, and symbols contained in, the Temple of Solomon.
I don’t know if it’s true. It makes more sense, to me, than the only other explanation I’ve heard: that they were the ‘easiest’ shape to make locally with crude materials. This explanation doesn’t quite hold up since A) I don’t know what makes that the ‘easiest’ shape… the ‘easiest’ shape would be a circle and 2) smithies at the time were making horseshoes, spurs, bridles, belt buckles and indeed guns and all manner of rugged and often quite intricate metalwork out of high quality metals… I’m not sure they would suddenly lose ability when faced with a simple badge. But, again, I don’t know.
So, if it is true… I’m not sure “it’s a Sheriffs badge” might be quite the get-outta-jail free card they think it is…