With apologies, I have to reprint the entire Associated Press story in full, because it is just too perfect:
Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling says he’s decided to run for Senate in 2018 if his wife agrees.
On WPRO-AM Tuesday, he said he’d make a run against Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Schilling also said he doesn’t know what he should apologize for following the collapse of his video game company that received a $75 million loan guarantee from Rhode Island.
He asked listeners: ‘‘What do you want me to apologize for?’’
Sen. Warren is whomping Schilling 47% to 28%, according to a recent WBZ/UMass-Amherst poll. And here’s the thing: Massachusetts voters know Sen. Warren really well, but most don’t know Schilling beyond “great at baseball.” Wait until they find out about Schilling’s hateful, extremist beliefs:
- Has endorsed not only Donald Trump but his thoughts about wanting to date 10-year-olds
- Campaigned for George W. Bush (can’t wait to hear which pointless-war-starting, economy-crashing policies Curt would bring back!)
- Was fired by ESPN for comparing Muslims to Nazis and mocking transgendered people
- Blew $75 million of Rhode Island taxpayers’ money on his failed video game company and clearly has nothing to apologize for
- Has called Hillary Clinton a “pig” and a “scumbag” on his Facebook page, which he also uses to sell fake medicine
And that’s just the start – the list goes on and on and on. Can you imagine what Charlie Baker is thinking about potentially having to share a ticket with this guy? And having to answer questions about every single crazy thing Schilling says?
As a progressive Democrat, I say: Why not Curt?
” This is all Reagan’s fault. He closed down the mental hospitals and now we have raving lunatics walking the streets and running for office. Never again should looters and thieves strip government of the power to protect your jobs, your homes and your savings from looters and thieves.” ANON
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Sounds familiar to me, Fred.
He said he hasn’t talked to Shonda.
proving that being a true sports hero and a complete idiot are not mutually exclusive.
Any other challengers? Mary Z?
I can state unequivocally that I could do a better job than Schilling.
And can you give me a couiple million? I’m not a rock star, athlete, used car dealer, or banker myself…
But I’d offer you warm words of encouragement!
I imagine he’s thinking it won’t happen and if it does it gives the right flank something to do besides primary or sabotage his re-election. He’s about as scared of that as he is about Trump at the top of the ticket this year. Baker, like any successful Republican in Massachusetts, has gone out of his way to successfully work with a largely compliant Democratic legislature and condemn the Neanderthals in his party at every turn. Baker could switch parties tomorrow and carry 30-40% of the Democratic primary. And you’d all vote for him the second he got that nomination.
Poor Scott, all he needed to do after Obamacare was signed into law was have an epiphany a few days later and switch parties, based on his “new understanding how much good ha can do” or whatever, or bqhatevwr, it really would not matter. He’d be accepted and embraced by the party and might even be the VP on the ticket today.
He would’ve had a real shot, the NH stunt was always doomed to fail. Leakage may be resigning soon which opens up that seat in ME…
Why should he, for accurately describing an opponent (met him once at a county fair).
Governors are term limited there, so it will be open anyways.
can spend the entire campaign saying “I don’t agree with Curt about that, and I would never want a political or governmental leader to use terms like that when discussing {insert any issue of the day here}.” Run Curt, please run, it’ll be so much fun. We can go from Theater of the Absurd with Donnie “Little Hands” Trump to theater of the Absurd with Curt. Curt is just-the-right-amount-of-stupid” to actually run [if Shonda approves, of course].
Trump is a cancer upon our civic culture. He has mainstreamed many fringe and extremist opinions and normalized many uncivil and anti-social behaviors and rhetoric. I would much rather we get a real contest of ideas between two people of good character and sound judgment. As much as I hate to say it, we had that in 2012 when Romney ran against Obama.
The worst way he treated women was keeping them in binders, and he has been sincere in condemning the racism of Trump and neo-confederates in his own party. I would never vote for him on the basis of profound disagreements on social, economic, and foreign policies but he was a decent man who ran a largely civil campaign by comparison.
Contested elections are good for our system. I want a strong Democratic alternative to Charlie Baker in 2018, and a strong Republican alternative to Warren. That will bring out more voters and we will have campaigns based around substance instead of hatred. Winslow or Gomez are great guys, I’ve met them both and know they still have statewide ambitions. Warren is my favorite member of Congress and has my vote, but I would be happy to see either of those Republicans debate her. Unlike Schilling, they want nothing to do with the racism and bigotry Trump is leading their party. Both have endorsed other candidates for the presidency. I respect that. I don’t respect wanting more garbage spewing talk radio trash given airtime as a candidate for high office.
My comment was a bit more sarcastic that it came across in print but that doesn’t really matter. Devil’s advocate might say, the Republican policies have done permanent damage to our Country and, therefore, if they want to nominate clowns, jack asses, carnival barkers, GOOD! Have at it. That will help elect progressives, to install a progressive agenda. My guess is that HRC loses (based on her unfavorability alone) to a host of Republicans in this general election, including Romney, Jeb!, Kasich, etc. Those would have been much more high minded campaigns than this nonsensical scrum. But, if she loses, we have a Republican president and R’s controlling both branches of Congress, and we end up with a couple of Supreme Court justices appointed by a Republican president. Do you want that high minded campaign and a loss? Or, do you want Trump, the gutter, a Democrat in the WH, a chance to retake the senate, and the chance to nominate a progressive, or three to the Supreme Court? Maybe it’s better to sacrifice the high minded campaign?
Although the fact “campaigning for GWB” gets pride of place among the other enumerated sins suggests that I will ever remain a stranger in a strange land here at BMG.
I don’t suppose that Baker would be all that thrilled, as his greatest hurdle is likely to be his own primary, and a Schilling on the same primary ballot is likely to bring out the crazies in force.
Who might be the Tea Party challenger to Baker?
who remains ticked off by the “takeover” by state people. There is no need for name recognition.
Pretty sure governor primary is a different day than Senate, because one is a federal level primary, the other state.
but geez what a waste of money
only presidential is different
And remember – there are HUNDREDS of polling paces and town clerks affected by this. The impulse should always be to combine as many possible to help with municipal expenses.
My town elections are in May, not November. Experience shows that it’s really hard for Town Meeting candidates to get any traction or attention when they’re up against president, congress, or governor…
….blah, blah, etc.
Understand why editors do not allow revision of comments, to prevent changes of what was said although that does make attacks on spelling and grammatical errors especially trivial. But wish Like/Dislike could be fixed without apologies.
Remember the election on 9/11 when Jacques lost to Lynch? the other state primaries were on that too.
It was to fill a vacancy left upon the death of Joe Moakley. Otherwise it would have been in an even-numbered year, but in those cases, yes federal and state are on the same day. Presidential is in the winter along with state and local party committees.
How his relationship with his wife works is none of my business, but I’m puzzled how anyone would announce such a thing without having already had the conversation with their spouse.
Maybe “Only if my wife agrees” is a convenient escape if donors don’t rush in.
and out of sports for shooting his mouth off without thinking. He’s never learned that like noses, everyone has an opinion.
This seems like such an absurd idea. Where is the upside? Can he think this is a sound idea that should be pursued, or are these kinds of pronouncements at conservative media outlets the only place that feeds his urge for relevancy?
I checked her Twitter feed. She hasn’t said anything since October 17.
for Curt, similar to the Hindenburg:
Curt: You’re a Jew, why are all Jews Democrats, when Democrats hate Israel?
Jake Tapper: Umm. I don’t speak for Jews
We will need a new meme, I think. I propose the following:
That is the Vanguard rocket, which the US attempted to launch in 1957. I think it suitable because, unlike the Hindenburg, Vanguard suffered catastrophic failure before it even got off the ground.