“The Boston Globe’s opinion pages,” the Boston Globe explains to us, “are completely separate from the news operation.”
Indeed, and that’s probably as it should be. But as we learn today from today’s column by frequent contributor and Republican strategist Eric Fehrnstrom, the Globe’s fidelity to this principle extends so far as to allow opinion writers the freedom to contradict facts that were previously established by members of the news staff.
In this column (his fourth effort in the nineteen months he’s been opining for the Globe to harpoon Elizabeth Warren, his personal Leviathan), Fehrnstrom again falsely accuses Warren of helping corporate giant Travelers Insurance to defeat claims brought by victims of asbestos poisoning. But as Globe news staffers reported on multiple occasions when Fehrnstrom was peddling this same story in his capacity as a member of Scott Brown’s campaign staff, it is so misleading as to be untrue. This same campaign lie was also called out on BMG (here and here). Nevertheless, the falsehood is back again on today’s opinion page, and Fehrnstrom goes on to use it to attack Warren for hypocrisy:
If Warren engages in the same behaviors that she pretends to find in others, she should at least be reminded of her dishonesty.
On behalf of the Globe news staff, we are happy to do the same for him.
JimC says
I assume Fehrnstrom has picked a horse for 2018 by now. Did he say who?
jconway says
I’d expect libel to be tolerated by the likes of the Herald-not Morrissey Blvd.
JimC says
Really damaging to his boss.
Trickle up says
SomervilleTom says
This exemplifies why I now ignore the once-great Boston Globe.
judy-meredith says
On the other hand there are so few clever, competent writers among the Warren haters club the Globe uses Eric like they use Jeff Jacoby to provide a balance.
Actually I can think of a few good GOP
Trickle up says
if the Globe does not pick people like Jacoby and Fernstrom precisely because they are such ninnies. Who challenge no one’s thinking and do their side (whatever it is) no credit.
fredrichlariccia says
the party of the willfully ignorant misinformed lemmings.
Fred Rich LarRiccia
Christopher says
…that so many of your comments are nothing more than childish name-calling with no substantive contribution to the matter at hand? I’m not a fan of this crowd either, but is such really necessary?
fredrichlariccia says
because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
Yes, such is really necessary. I’m done pussyfooting around with these Fascists.
And if you haven’t got the stomach to take these bastards down then leave me alone.
This is WAR and I don’t apologize to ANYONE for the disgust I feel for these dirty, lying traitors and their sycophant enablers.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
fredrichlariccia says
That’s Go F… Yourself — you evil, corrupt, oligarch bastards !
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Christopher says
Don’t stoop to a kindergarten level. “Repukians” doesn’t accomplish anything.
fredrichlariccia says
I’ll fight these bastards to the end until the children of the poor eat better than the dogs of the rich !
And for the record — Repukians is one of the mildest descriptions I’ve ever used for the cons.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Christopher says
All I’m asking is that you use mature vocabulary to convey those reasons. Even the Tea Party communicated their differences on policy better and for those who hated Obama just because of his race we can and should be better than they are. If you want to fight for no children to go to bed hungry as your first line implies, then make proposals and call people out who oppose them. That is what I mean by the merits, and yes commenting on motives is fair game, but again, you aren’t really fighting here. You are just “puking” words onto your keyboard to make yourself feel better, but doesn’t change a single mind, vote, or line of legislation.
pogo says
…you will equate anyone that voted for Trump as traitorous Repukians, when most Trump voters aren’t crazy and only a small percentage are complete Trump sycophants…so your rhetoric is heard by those millions of Trump voters who voted for him for more being reasons. They were wrong. But calling them traitors and Repukians will just have them dig their heels in, because no one wants to be called names. You are being very short sited.
lisag says
I’ve had many a letter to the editor and oped fact-checked by many a newspaper and magazine. I don’t see why the Globe shouldn’t do the same for Fernstrom’s or anyone’s opeds. There’s a huge difference between differentiating news and opinion and allowing folks on the oped page to run roughshod over the facts.
pogo says
…but does that mean accepting pieces from Fehrnstrom and Jacoby (especially his climate denying drool) that are filled with untruths, omissions and out right falsehoods?
Maybe someday opinion pages will reject nonsense columns in which a house of cards argument is based on one sliver of truth, from which 600 words are used to obscure and deceive readers. Opposite opinions is one thing…opposite facts and realities are a different ball game. When will the Globe (and others) learn?
fredrichlariccia says
which I have documented here for years.
I get weary of tedious sophistry that fiddles while Rome burns —- Trump colluded with a foreign power to steal our election and undermine democracy throughout the world.
Does anyone care that our country is dying ? Hello ? Bueller ? Anyone ?
Fred Rich LaRiccia