From Bob Massie:
Just a month ago I was drafted to run by a group of concerned State Committee members and long-time activists. Though I immediately started calling people, I also did something that neither of the other two candidates did:
I stopped for a moment to think and then to write. I carefully gathered and assessed our intersectional problems. I gathered information and ideas in dozens of long phone calls.
And then, with the help of a wonderful research and production team, I sat down and wrote this plan:
“Building Our Future Together: A 10-Point Plan to Strengthen the Massachusetts Democratic Party and Win the Governorship in 2022“
In it I address the troubling information about areas that threaten our long-term survival. I talk about the different models for Chair, and why I think a vigorous full-time Chair with broad responsibilities is what the party now needs.
Then I offer ten Action Plans — each with specific steps — that we should examine and develop together. Though my list of action steps is comprehensive, I ask at the end of every section: What Am I Missing? What Do You Think?
Link to view the full plan:
UPDATE: The Affirmative Action Outreach Subcommittee will sponsor a Chair Candidate Forum Monday November 9th at 7pm. It will be moderated by Leverett Wing and Representative Liz Miranda. More details:
Please share widely!
The Party needs an honest, principaled leader following the scandal involving Chair Gus Bickford when he conspired to undermine Alex Morse’s congressional race in MA CD-1. Bob Massie is the one.
Massie has a lot of great ideas, but neither he nor Lake is running on this “scandal”. By accusing Gus of conspiring to undermine Morse’s campaign you are asserting facts not in evidence.
These over-the-top claims hurt the credibility of Mr. Massie. Please stop.
Take a look at Bob’s plans for the future of the party. It’s clear to everyone that he put a lot of thought into these ideas and worked collaboratively to develop them. If this is indicative of how hard he’d work for the party if elected, he’s the right person for the job.