The Secretary General of the UN visits Turkey, and speaks with Erdogan. No public comment. The Secretary General of the UN visits Moscow and offers to establish humanitarian aide in Ukraine and evacuate Mariupol. We know because he tells us so. Putin is not interested, apparently. The Secretary General of the UN goes to Kyiv. Putin has missiles shot at Kyiv, one detonates across the street from where Secretary General Gutierres has a hotel room. Somehow, Russia is still on the Security Council? How lame is that?
Have you watched the documentary about Navalney yet? If not, you really should. May still be playing at the Brattle. This documentary makes clear that the Dictator of Russia [sticks in my mental throat to call him a “President”] is a sociopathic narcissistic murderer. To the extent that words even do justice.
Welcome back!
Stated this on another thread, but visiting Zelensky in person is an odd litmus test for credibility with the pundit class. It’s incredibly risky and I hope major leaders stop doing it. Somebody is bound to get killed and then all bets are off in containing this war.