Channel 3 in Springfield went on a mission to uncover the mystery of Charlie Baker’s phantom Western Mass campaign office, which his aides have tweeted about, but nobody in Western Mass has ever heard of, or seen … until … [Read more...]
Baker to Central Mass Commuters: ‘Buy a Segway’
In keeping with its Boston-centric attitude, the Baker campaign is all in a tizzy trying to trash the administration’s plan to bring more trains to commuters traveling between Boston and the Central Mass regions. The Patrick-Murray … [Read more...]
Charlie Baker and Richard Tisei Announce Debate Plans
Fresh and well rested after the last Environmental League debate, which he didn't attend, Charlie Baker is back in action, calling for a series of five televised gubernatorial debates between now and Election Day. I highly suggest … [Read more...]
Tim Murray gets the DCU Center revved up
If you have some time, I highly suggest you check out Tim Murray's speech to the 2010 MassDems convention in Worcester over the weekend. The LG threw plenty of red meat to the party faithful, and took Republican Charles Baker to task on … [Read more...]
Baker’s Convention Address – (By the Words)
In case you were wondering which direction Republican Charles Baker plans to take Massachusetts if elected in November, look no further than his GOP convention address from this weekend.What Baker says, or more importantly does not say, is … [Read more...]
LG Responds to Baker’s Dishonesty, Addresses Call from Erica
“Did Charlie Baker take a pay cut? Did Charlie Baker take a furlough? Has he asked his management team to do more with less? And yet he’s castigating public employees who have in fact given to help us get through this … [Read more...]
Baker: “No rail for you!”
Charlie Baker made a rare visit to the SouthCoast Wednesday and unwisely used his time to deride the SouthCoast rail project and mock its supporters in the region for wanting to become ‘a spoke of Boston.’Remember this is the … [Read more...]
Yup, that’s budget wonk Baker off by $5 billion
In a recent interview with Fox25, Charlie Baker makes the unbelievable claim that Mitt Romney left office with a massive $5 billion surplus - which he asserts was then squandered by the Patrick Administration. Like Brett Favre deep in the … [Read more...]
Cahill: Tisei Not Baker’s First Choice
In an interview with NECN's Jim Braude, Tim Cahill talks about how the Baker camp went all out to convince him to become Charlie's running mate. Braude asks Cahill to recount the specific conversation, to which Cahill replies: … [Read more...]