Most may have already seen this, but I want to make sure it gets as much exposure as possible. … [Read more...]
Joltin Joe Scores
If the headline didn't make it obvious for those who know him, my very dear friend Fred Rich LaRiccia asked me to share this video of Joe Biden's latest ad. For those who don't know him, Fred's trademark phrase is "SCORE!" In any case, … [Read more...]
More forceful language
This is a short post and my apologies for the language I am about to use, but I think democrats need to be clear. "Deplorables" was too weak. It should be: "If you support this, you're an asshole." Followed up by asking why none of the … [Read more...]
Amend the Constitution
Liberals need to approach gun control how conservatives approach abortion. It’s time to repeal the 2nd amendment, launch a federal buyback program, and criminalize possession of nearly all guns except a very limited few. Any other … [Read more...]
20 quick points about gun control …
Two school shootings today. This is a quasi-rant to my conservative friends. To my friends who abhor the thought of any type of gun regulation ... You're being used by gun manufacturers to make money. They bribed the NRA a long … [Read more...]
A good picture of two very good friends!
FredRichLaRiccia sent me this picture! Thought I'd share! CLARK HONORED Tonight, Congresswoman Katherine Clark was presented with the 2015 Eleanor Roosevelt Award given by the Democratic State Committee at the Boston Parker House. … [Read more...]
Policy Not Personality
Thought I'd share a letter I'll be sending to some friends. I am writing to ask you to vote for Rep. Paul Brodeur, Christopher Finn, and Sen. Jason Lewis. I am supporting them because they support the best policies for our … [Read more...]
Ending homelessness with help from our friends
Thought I'd post a great video about HomeStart that includes our friends: Sen. Warren, Gov. Patrick, Mayor Walsh, Rep. Clark and many others. Also explains why it is so important to end & prevent … [Read more...]
A soldier for the home front
Wanted to share this column by Adrian Walker. HomeStart is celebrating their 20th anniversary and at a very macro level is showing how non-profits are coming with solutions to long standing social ills. For the record I'm the Director of … [Read more...]
Are you ready to vote for our next Lt. Governor? … [Read more...]