'ROUNDING THE GLOBE'-15: Critical analysis of Boston Globe education coverage A Tale of Two Editorials It was the best of times for the BTU, it was the worst of times. If you don't believe this, just check out two Globe editorials that … [Read more...]
‘ROUNDING THE CLOBE’-14: The RTTT news story from hell
'ROUNDING THE GLOBE'-14: Critical Analysis of Boston Globe Education Coverage The RTTT news story from hell Boston Globe, how about giving me a night off? I have already consigned James Vaznis, Globe education writer, to purgatory, as the … [Read more...]
‘ROUNDING THE GLOBE’-13: Is a new day dawning at my morning newspaper?
'ROUNDING THE GLOBE'-13: Critical Analysis of Boston Globe Education Coverage Is a new day dawning at my morning newspaper? Yesterday, this blogger who, like his many education reform nemeses, means only to do good in this world, took a … [Read more...]
‘ROUNDING THE GLOBE’-12 The Science MCAS & The Narrative of the News
The story has a beginning, middle, and end, a modest departure from the straight news story form that utilizes the inverted pyramid. Beginning: The main news. A sad personal student story of failure. A response from the state education … [Read more...]
‘ROUNDING THE GLOBE’-11: The RTTT Script Is Duly Delivered
'ROUNDING THE GLOBE'-11: Critical analysis of Boston Globe education coverage The RTT Script is Delivered Please sit up straight and pay attention, because the script has now been written for the continuing Race To The Top (RTTT) … [Read more...]
Remarks Delivered at a Pioneer Institute Discussion (featuring E.D. Hirsch)
REMARKS AT PIONEER INSTITUTE EVENT, FEATURING PROF. E.D. HIRSCH, MARCH 31, 2010 I'd like to first thank the Pioneer Institute for inviting me to participate on this panel. It's highly unusual for a teacher (or, in my case, a former teacher) … [Read more...]
‘ROUNDING THE GLOBE’-10: What does STAND stand for?
'ROUNDING THE GLOBE'-10: What does STAND stand for? There are a host of journalistic sins. When it comes to its coverage of education policy, the Boston Globe has committed all of them: selective sourcing in news, exclusion of dissenting … [Read more...]
THE ‘ROUNDING THE GLOBE’ BLOG-9: Continuing Analysis of How the Globe Covers Ed Policy
'Rounding the Globe'-9: At Long Last, Have You No Shame? I wanted to rest today, but the Globe gives me no rest. It keeps turning. I am called to my post. When New England's Greatest Daily feels strongly about something, be it Mom, Apple … [Read more...]
THE ‘ROUNDING THE GLOBE’ BLOG-8: Continuing Analysis of How The Globe Covers Ed Policy
'Rounding the Globe'- 8: Dropout Rates We Have Known This is submission from the "Better-Late-Than-Never" Dept. On March 14, 2010, the Boston Globe published a curious editorial, which followed up on a news story reporting a decline in the … [Read more...]
THE ‘ROUNDING THE GLOBE’ BLOG-7: Continuing Analysis of How the Globe Covers Ed Policy
BLOG #7: THE A PRIORI ARIA ABOUT 'STANDARDS' The blog concerns a Page One story in today's Boston Globe, entitled "State stands firm on school quality" (3/15). Written by James Vaznis who works the ed reform beat, the piece is one of many … [Read more...]