State revenues are continuing to collapse, falling short by at least an additional $300 million in April and leading state officials yesterday to predict possible cash shortages, budget cuts, more layoffs of state workers, and perhaps … [Read more...]
Bush legacy continues
Just released from the Associated Press AP Newsbreak: CIA destroyed 92 interrogation tapes WASHINGTON-New documents show the CIA destroyed nearly 100 tapes of terror interrogations. The figure is far higher than the handful of recordings … [Read more...]
McCain doesn’t repudiate hate comments
Was just watching CNN broadcasting McCain's speech from Pennsylvania. A woman just shouted out "Kill Obama" (very audible) and the crowd cheered. McCain DID NOT repudiate the remarks at all. A disgrace. [UPDATE (by David): See video posted … [Read more...]
Palin’s email was hacked
From the website: The hackers gained entry to Mrs Palin's Yahoo! email account, which she used for official business as Alaska's governor. They have disclosed as evidence some personal messages she received since being … [Read more...]
New Education Commissioner chosen
The Board of Education has unanimously supported Mitchell Dan Chester of Ohio as the next Commissioner of Education. … [Read more...]
Education Funding
fiscal budget. How are communities trying to cope with another lean financial year. Isn't it time for the Legislature to have the courage to overhaul Prop 2 1/2? The mandates keep coming, but we need to do more to prepare our students to … [Read more...]
U.S.-Iraq Declaration of Principles for Friendship and Cooperation
Just read the declaration that was released by the White House yesterday. Another way to bypass Congressional approval by refusing to call this a treaty. Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute, the administration's deputy national security adviser for Iraq … [Read more...]