No matter what your political stripes, this recent study should be a fascinating read. The state-by-state profiles are a hoot. For the lazy, the top 10 freest states are: 1. New Hampshire, 2. Colorado, 3. South Dakota, 4. … [Read more...]
Why Obama’s stimulus plan is losing public support
Later, speaking to House Democrats gathered at the Kingsmill Resort, Mr. Obama strayed from his text to express frustration with the barrage of criticism that has bogged down the plan. The plan's opponents say, "'This is not a stimulus … [Read more...]
Change? We don’t need no stinkin’ change.
I'll leave it to BMG true-believers to verify this Washington Times story and interpret the tea leaves: Over the weekend President-elect Barack Obama scrubbed, his transition Web site, deleting most of what had been a massive … [Read more...]
Barney Frank’s partner was a a Fannie Mae executive?
I am shocked to learn that Barney Frank's former partner, Herb Moses, was Fannie Mae's assistant director of product initiatives. "According to the Feb. 23, 1998, issue of National Mortgage News, Herb Moses helped develop many of Fannie … [Read more...]
Obama: Debate Winner or Loser?
Not a scientific poll, but Drudge sez "Loser" 65/32. What do the other polls suggest? … [Read more...]
Barney Frank helped Fannie and Freddie fail
An editorial piece in today's Wall Street Journal levels some blame for the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac mess at Barney Frank for his resistance against meaningful reform. Despite progressives' belief that anything the WSJ writes if false, … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin, Feminist
Before automatically heaping your disdain onto me, I encourage you to read her piece. It certainly struck a chord with me not because of any support I have for Palin (and I have plenty) but for its clear-headed explanation why … [Read more...]
All Palin, all the time
Frankly, I'd keep some of your emotional powder dry for the defense of Obama when the negative ads start on (a) his 20 year membership in Trinity United Church of Christ and association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, (b) Obama's association … [Read more...]
Has the Dem primary fight screwed Dems in the General Election?
Wow. If this is true, let's welcome President Elect John McCain to the White House! Can a nominee of either party possibly win in the general when 20% in their own party votes for the other side? That's a 10% swing (20% of … [Read more...]
African Aid … “Mr. Bush has done more than any other president so far.”
Quite a stunning observation from Bob Geldof. Even the Washington Post carries the story but without the kind quotes from Sir Robert, the selective filtering caused, no doubt, by Bush Derangement Syndrome. Also afflicted with BDS is the NYT … [Read more...]