From the people who brought you "Pray Away the Gay", now comes their newest installment! Focus on the Family would like you to put your prayer powers to a new use: raining out Obama's DNC speech in Denver. The video was pulled this … [Read more...]
RNC copies idea for user input on platform.
The Democratic National Committee and Barack Obama announced that our national Democratic Party platform would be open to input from Democrats across the country back in early July. I'm not sure how I missed this, but soon after the Dem's … [Read more...]
Newburyport News Op-Ed: John Kerry stonewalling debates.
That rang hollow on its face, of course - very hollow. Yes, it was a long four years ago, but surely voters recall how eager Kerry was to debate when he was running to unseat President George W. Bush, and it didn't matter whether the Senate … [Read more...]
Obama Events Around the State (and more)
Marshfield, Duxbury, Scituate & Pembroke Organizing Meeting Location: Starbucks, 784 Plain Street, Marshfield Time: 3:00-4:00 PM, August 16 Contact: John Bowes ( Details/Sign-up: … [Read more...]
John Kerry still ignoring months of calling for forums and debates! Only 5 weeks left.
The Senate adjourned last Friday, August 1st, and has the rest of August off. With just 5 weeks left before the September 16th primary (excluding the Convention week) against Ed O'Reilly, Kerry has yet to agree to any town hall style … [Read more...]
Help NPV get to Gov’s Desk! [Senate Roll Call Attached]
YES Sen. Antonioni Sen. Augustus Sen. Baddour Sen. Berry Sen. Brown Sen. Buoniconti Sen. Candaras Sen. Chandler Sen. Creedon Sen. Creem Sen. Downing Sen. Fargo Sen. Galluccio Sen. Hart Sen. Hedlund Sen. Jehlen … [Read more...]
T vs. the GLB: When Allies Attack
And just fyi, a GLB version of ENDA has repeatedly been introduced in Congress since 1974 and only ever had a vote once in the Senate, where it failed on a 49-50 vote during the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) discussion. It's a sad fact, … [Read more...]
Say goodbye to the longest serving Republican Senator!
Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, who has served since 1968, has just been indicted by a federal grand jury on seven counts of falsely reporting income. The charges relate to renovations to his home and to gifts he has allegedly received from … [Read more...]
People Powered Forums: Senate Edition (Let’s make it happen!; Questions you’ll ask?)
If you want to see People Powered Forums this August rather than just old style debates, here's your chance! With less than 8 weeks to go till the September 16th vote between John Kerry and Ed O'Reilly there really needs to be some … [Read more...]
Time for Sen. Kerry to catch up with Massachusetts on marriage equality.
Now, what are his constitutional arguments against marriage equality? I would love to hear them. What parts of the Goodrige case does he not agree with? Quite frankly, his own personal religious views are not an acceptable … [Read more...]