Walsh vs. Connolly, Round One: 7 p.m. on WBZ. Red Sox updates/rants encouraged. Have at it! … [Read more...]
Walsh vs. Connolly on Housing
Last week I wrote a post comparing Marty Walsh and John Connolly’s policy proposals on education. I concluded that while they share most of the same broad goals, there are a couple of big differences. Walsh aims first for the proven effects … [Read more...]
Walsh vs. Connolly on Education
Debate here about the Boston mayoral race has taken a caustic turn recently. Disagreements haven’t been feisty so much as they’ve been bitter. I think this has a lot to do with how people view organized labor. Those of us who think a strong … [Read more...]
Marty Walsh Earns Progressive Mantle
One of the biggest reasons I'm supporting Marty Walsh for mayor is his ability to unite the left like no other candidate can--and to broaden its appeal under the banners of innovative administration and practical, universal needs like jobs, … [Read more...]
Ted Kennedy and the Role of the Federal Government
For example, my family and I get our healthcare at community clinics which owe their existence to the Senator's 1966 law allowing them to get federal reimbursements and more by affiliating with hospitals, but remaining community owned and … [Read more...]
Some thought-provoking analyses of the Gates arrest
Stanley Fish, a longtime friend and colleague of Gates's, in his New York Times blog summarizes the racist treatment Gates has suffered since his earliest days as a professor. It's important for those of us who have followed his career to … [Read more...]
Breaking: Krugman Wins Nobel
What sweet vindication for one of our leading public intellectuals, who has braved firestorms of abuse from conservatives, and studied indifference from the media and political establishment, despite his very prominent platform on the NYT … [Read more...]
Dianne Wilkerson and black representation
Walker offers roughly the same assessment of Dianne Wilkerson that her handful of supporters on this site have been putting forth: "I've known Wilkerson since 1989, before she ever ran for office. I wrote the first stories about her tax … [Read more...]
Eighty (80) Gitmo Defense Lawyers Endorse Obama
"When we were walking the halls of the Capitol trying to win over enough Senators to beat back the Administration's bill, Senator Obama made his key staffers and even his offices available to help us," they wrote. "Senator Obama worked with … [Read more...]
Republican Shenanigans in Watertown
Watertown/Cambridge State Rep. Rachel Kaprielian's Republican opponent, Keith Mercurio, has been busted in a letters-to-the-editor fraud involving the Watertown Tab. Worse than faking grassroots support, it looks like a case of cynically … [Read more...]