by Kade Crockford As researcher Darryl Li points out, most of the Wikileaks Gitmo dump consists of US intelligence “’detainee assessments’ that reveal more about the inner fantasy world of the US intelligence apparatus than who the … [Read more...]
Rule of Law awaits better political climate
Glenn Greenwald reminds us of the Right-wing wailing and Left-wing accolades that greeted AG Holder's announcement a year ago that KSM and four other Guantanamo inmates would face criminal trials. Greenwald questions the depth of Democrats' … [Read more...]
Teenage victim of rendition may be released
The judge in the current hearings called the case "an outrage.""After this horrible, long, tortured history, I hope the government will succeed in getting him back home," U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle told Justice Department … [Read more...]
Leading the Way
A leading sticking point in Israel/Palestine peace negotiations certainly has to be the rights to the land seized by Israel as a result of the Six Day War in 1969. The Palestinians want the land returned to Palestine, while Israel is … [Read more...]
Dick Cheney: Flawed Messenger on National Security
As I sit here on May 25, 2009 and reflect on the meaning of this day, just as I do quietly and privately on every Memorial Day, I remember the service and sacrifice of those who went before me, including my own family's not insignificant … [Read more...]
ACLU speakers in the news
This is partly a plug for the annual ACLU of Massachusetts Bill of Rights Dinner next Thursday, May 28th -- but our speakers, and the issues they have worked on, are in the news. With the debate over Guantanamo going on in Washington, we're … [Read more...]
Sami Al-Haj released from Guantanamo after 6+ years – his crime? Cameraman for the wrong network.
Here are some quotes from Sami: After being reunited with his eight-year old son Mohammed, who was just a baby when he last saw him, Sami summoned the strength to greet Sudan's President, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, accompanied by dozens of … [Read more...]
Eighty (80) Gitmo Defense Lawyers Endorse Obama
"When we were walking the halls of the Capitol trying to win over enough Senators to beat back the Administration's bill, Senator Obama made his key staffers and even his offices available to help us," they wrote. "Senator Obama worked with … [Read more...]
Powell: Close Guantanamo today, we’re better than that
Again, not feeling interesting today, so I'll just parrot the national blogs because this needs to be repeated: Here's Colin Powell on Meet the Press today:Guantanamo has become a major, major problem for America?s perception as it?s seen, … [Read more...]