Congressional fratricide? The Fix lists Meehan (with the most money raised), Lynch, Markey, and Frank as potential candidates. What about others?Jim McGovern would be an interesting candidate. Solid progressive who was a major force in … [Read more...]
“The Fix”- Webb Victory Makes Virginia a “Toss-up” State?
According to "The Fix", Jim Webb's Senate victory in Virginia over long-time GOP hack George Allen moves the state out of the red column and into a, umm, purple one. The post explains that the conversion of voters in Northern Virginia to … [Read more...]
Healey Endorsements: Editorial plagiarism or great minds thinking alike?
It seems that the Springfield Republican's editorial board has taken a page, rather some column space, from the Boston Herald in its endorsement of Kerry Healey:Springfield Republican endorsement, 11/1/2006:Healey sides with the parents and … [Read more...]
“Tough, Smart Solutions to Change Massachussets”- Spelling Reform for MA
Yeah, I'm nit-picking on poor Kerry Healey's issues page, but if you're a candidate for governor spending a decent chunk of change on your website, you should really proofread your stuff before posting it.Here's the quote:Stand with Kerry … [Read more...]
What is the “Justice” in Deval’s voice? A look at his DOJ record.
After mentioning that Deval had breathed some life into the moribund civil rights division, the editorial states:But in a... deeply disturbing line of cases, Patrick has aligned the Administration with his former colleagues in the world of … [Read more...]
What is up with the Globe?
Normally, I find the Boston press does a decent job of covering campaigns. However, recent articles in the Boston Globe and its online edition has me wondering if they're doing their jobs as journalists or, even worse, if there's even a … [Read more...]
And so it begins- Healey set to emerge from silence
The AP's Glen Johnson writes that Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey is poised to begin airing television ads, launching a publicity campaign that will not end until the November general election and kicking off an expensive and potentially nasty phase … [Read more...]
Gabrieli stays on message: Results matter
Here's a prime example of Chris Gabrieli keeping on message and ignoring "politics as usual". People want results, not more rhetoric.From the Globe's "Political Intelligence" blog:Thursday, June 15, 2006Gabrieli ignores Patrick … [Read more...]
Mark Warner rocks YDA conference in Vegas
Mark Warner just got off the stage at the Young Democrats of America conference here in Vegas. I'm proud to say that the MA delegation was strongly supportive of the former governor of Virginia, most sporting Mark Warner t-shirts and … [Read more...]
Mark Warner throws one hell of a party
Former Virginia Governor Mark Warner is in Vegas this weekend for two conventions, one of which I'm at. YearlyKOS is the first bloggers convention for those of the liberal persuasion, and the Young Dems convention for, well, young … [Read more...]