The laws range from little-to-nothing in Alaska and Vermont, to an almost ABSOLUTE PROHIBITION in New York, Chicago and D.C., which are three cities with either the top, or close to the top, of the highest violent crime rates in the … [Read more...]
But your quarterback is blinded-sided by a "sacrificial lamb," and injured seven minutes into the second quarter, losing the ball on the opponents 14-yard-line in the process. And even though the offender is ejected summarily from the game, … [Read more...]
The Murder of Unarmed Innocents
House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.The bill was proposed by Del. Todd … [Read more...]
My Dear Laurel,In reviewing the dialogue during the latter part of your dairy on the "John Howard Discourses," I realized that I may have taken said discourse in a different direction than where you intended to go.Oops. I am truly sorry if … [Read more...]
The Trashing of the President
It has been intimated (too many citations to list!) both from the Hill, and from many other hills and dales around the country, that Alberto:1. Is a token minority in the Bush Administration2. Is only there because the Prez wanted at least … [Read more...]
CBS – Strange and Wonderful – Or Maybe, Just, uh, Strange!
Caught with his knickers at half-mast, with an all-too-obviously trumped-up piece of worthless toilet paper, Rathernot fell on his sword, and CBS helped by pushing on his back. Exit a few million in major advertising, syndication fees and … [Read more...]
Peace and Tranquility, Anyone?
The weaponry and explosives being used by terror groups within Iraq were not cooked up in somebody's local basement. They are far too sophisticated for that, and I think everyone knows it. And the organization and execution of these terror … [Read more...]
Fake Obama Ad — Breaking News
Just caught a quip on Fox re: the Youtube Obama Ad. First, it is a rip-off from an old Superbowl ad, ran, I THINK, for Apple Computer. Second, it is a fake. Third, the guy who put it together and posted it was employed, until a couple of … [Read more...]
Faith-Based? Pray for Elizabeth Edwards
As a conservative I am hardly a fan of John Edwards, or his political leanings. But this shouldn't happen to a dog. If you're faith-based, pray for Elizabeth. If you're not, pray anyway. You'd be amazed to whom God will listen!Best,Chuck … [Read more...]
The Misunderstood Miller Decision
The history of the Miller case is probably the reason that the decision is so widely misunderstood. In their appeal, the US Attorneys made the following statement:"The Second Amendment does not grant to the people the right to keep and bear … [Read more...]