The ACLU of Massachusetts is inviting all of us to an Emergency Town Meeting on domestic surveillance and the rule of law, at Faneuil Hall, 6-8pm today. If you're in Boston, please come! Here's a flyer with the details.Speakers … [Read more...]
Alito Filibuster update
Sen. Mark Pryor (202) 224-2353, (501) 324-6336, FAX (501) 324-5320 Blanche Lincoln (202) 224-4843, (870) 382-1023, (870) 910-6896, (479) 251-1224, (870) 774-3106, (501) 375-2993 FAX (202) … [Read more...]
The House Plan and Small Business
Our computer & networking consulting company started with 3 people, and grew to 15 by the time we sold ownership of it a few years later. We stayed effectively independent for a while longer, up to almost 30 employees. One … [Read more...]
Joe Trippi endorses John Bonifaz
Joe Trippi, who managed Howard Dean's campaign and became a netroots celebrity in the process, posted this afternoon on Daily Kos endorsing John Bonifaz for Secretary of State of Massachusetts:I wanted to take a second to point out a really … [Read more...]
2nd Worcester vote counts
Ellis accused Rice's campaign of election fraud because they had people in the polling locations wearing "Bob Rice volunteer" stickers Tuesday morning. "It was an identifier of who they were so the (election) wardens would know they were … [Read more...]
Denise Provost wins
I originally posted the unofficial precinct-by-precinct results, as called in to the Denise Provost office by precinct captains at each polling place. I've now updated to official results, and recalculated the totals. Vote counts in … [Read more...]
John Bonifaz at Iraq Forum Tomorrow
Boston area folk who want to meet secretary of state candidate John Bonifaz may be interested in this Out of Iraq Forum tomorrow at Mobe in Cambridge, 6-9pm. It's organized by, which John Bonifaz co-founded, and … [Read more...]
Bostonians: Q&A with Sam Yoon at DFA-Boston this evening
I first met Sam Yoon about one year ago, at the January 2005 meeting of DFA-Boston. He and another city council candidate, John Connolly, were the first of many to talk to our group and seek our endorsement. We had a long, … [Read more...]
Globe, Kerry weigh in on 1st Bristol election
Until now, coverage of the 1st Bristol special election in the print press has been limited to one early piece in the Attleboro Sun-Chronicle (of which only a brief stub was posted online), and another article that appeared in both the … [Read more...]
“I Don’t Care”, says Feingold
What first struck me when I read this was an echo of one of my favorite parts of Dean's early stump speech. He would bring up his decision to support civil unions, seriously risking his political career in the process. He would … [Read more...]