According to West,In short order, the system will be overwhelmed. Whatever minimal fraud detection and prevention safeguards might be erected won't last long in the face of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of applications and … [Read more...]
My Take on the Massachusetts Fifth
What we have in this election - and particularly in the race for the Democratic nomination - is a multi-candidate race with most of those candidates currently serving in elective office. Four of the five Democrats currently hold office. In … [Read more...]
Martin Feldstein and the Defense Budget
In an article in the March/April edition of Foreign Affairs, Feldstein, who is the George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard and a former Reagan administration economic advisor, argues that "a substantial increase in defense … [Read more...]
Artistic Leverage on Darfur
Crossposted at The Eisenthal ReportThis morning's Boston Globe had an op-ed piece by Eric Reeves, a professor of English Language and Literature at Smith College. Reeves has spent much of the past several years working full-time to shed … [Read more...]
What is to be done about Corporate Tax Loopholes in Massachusetts?
Even if there is not a focused effort from the Patrick administration - which would be disappointing - activists and supporters can take matters into their own hands. One example of this is the packet of information that Michael Forbes … [Read more...]
Imus and Black Women
I posted the following piece on The Eisenthal Report yesterday. As the story has developed, I've felt it even more important to keep up the pressure.It appears that Don Imus, the reptilian radio personality, will get off with a slap on the … [Read more...]
69 Percent of Democrats Support Closing the Loopholes
Crossposted at The Eisenthal ReportIn a story in this morning's edition, The Boston Globe released more polling numbers on Massachusetts voter attitudes as we approach the 100th day of the Patrick Administration. In that poll, 56 percent of … [Read more...]
New Virtual Market – Closing Corporate Tax Loopholes
Cross-posted at The Eisenthal ReportThere is a new virtual prediction market at the Inkling platform - Will Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick succeed in closing any state corporate tax loopholes?The idea behind the market, created by … [Read more...]
The Importance of Closing Corporate Tax Loopholes
Cross-posted at The Eisenthal ReportThe Worcester Telegram & Gazette reports this morning that Massachusetts House Speaker Sal DiMasi (D - Boston) and Senate President Therese Murray (D - Plymouth) have agreed on an increase in Chapter … [Read more...]