Two radio jocks from Montreal got Sarah Palin on the line for a radio prank call, pretending to be Nicholas Sarkozy. Great discussion of hunting from helicopters, leaving Dick Cheney home for the hunting trip, and more! Not urban … [Read more...]
Let’s Buy John McCain a Keyboard He Can Use
According to the Boston Globe today the Obama campaign has been taking some heat from conservative bloggers over a recent ad pointing out John McCain is, shall we say, not cyber-savvy. NOT FAIR they cry, he was injured in prison, and can't … [Read more...]
Putting the Swift into Swift Boating
This is too much, Jane Swift, our esteemed half-term ex-governor, is actually on the John McCain "Truth Squad" a/k/a John McCain Swift Boat crew. From But McCain supporter Jane Swift, former Republican governor of … [Read more...]
Time for Criminal Sentencing Reform
The Boston Globe was kind enough to publish an op ed piece by me this morning, Fixing our criminal sentencing system. I hope that we can keep discussion focused on sentencing reform at the State House this term. Everything BMG folks could … [Read more...]