So tough as nails, crime reporter, Harley ridin', Herald writer, Michelle McPhee went after Sen. Wilkerson today. The reporter with the comical photo continues to carry the water for the BPD. Today she wrote that Dianne Wilkerson referred … [Read more...]
Hey Peter Vickery; Give the $$$ Back! With Poll
The Herald reports today that a Governor's Council member raised questions yesterday concerning a judicial nominee who contributed to fellow councilor Peter Vicary's campaign. Councilor Vickery voted to approve C. Jeffrey Kinder to the … [Read more...]
Dan Conley and Diane Wilkerson
Nice piece by Michelle McPhee in the Herald today concerning Dan Conley considering perjury charges against Sen. Dianne Wilkerson. Wilkerson testified under oath that she was present when a Boston police homicide detective interrogated her … [Read more...]
Look at Me! I am Important! Deval is God! Joan Vennochi Stinks! (with Poll)
So Joan Vennochi wrote a column about the Deval and the one-man Killer Coke crusade yapping about his role with Coke. David wrote a thorough critique of the column. In the column she.. 1. Points out the SwiftBoat vets against Kerry as … [Read more...]
Thumbs Down From the Owners’ Box
Last week an injured bird became the show during a Red Sox loss at Fenway Park. Evidently the little guy hobbled from the first base area to second base where he stood safely to catch his breath. (I cant link to the Globe story, with … [Read more...]
Did You Hear the Rumor about Michael Flaherty
3. Finnigan, Brett, Fitzgerald, DiCara,.....these are names of recent times. Go back further and its the same thing. History is against the long talked about 'next mayor'. Mike got 17,000+ votes in last election. About 100,000 voted. … [Read more...]
Coming Tomorrow – How We Get Rid of Dan Conley (this November)
One person is ready and able to do it. Tomorrow we start the rumor that he (or she) is also willing. BMG Grassroots Baby. … [Read more...]
“Sal, Check with Charley Next Time” or “Let it Go, Ernie”
Today's Globe has the story of Romney's calling for the legislature to come back into formal session. Sal says it ain't worth going back into formal session for a bond bill.Hmm, doesn't he know he can't, even if he wants to. Now any avid … [Read more...]
Barrios, “Remember the Maine”
Thanks to Adam Reilly I got a good chuckle when I read that Senator Jarrett 'Mr. Sincere' Barrios is calling on the Uniteds States not to invade Cuba when Castro dies.Talk about creating an issue. This guy is too much.We better not invade … [Read more...]
Poll – How Many Votes Does Harshbarger Bring Deval?
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