Mark Roosevelt Where Are You?
When Mark Roosevelt, Democratic nominee for Governor in 1994 debated Governor Weld he said, "Governor, you are not a corrupt man, but your administration is."He was right, and last night's tragedy may be one of the results.How did it … [Read more...]
Sorry, Wrong Number
Recently I commented on this post written by someone who was having a Deval Patrick House Party.I commented that Ted Kennedy does not call-in to his house parties. Implying that he attends them.The host of the party rated my comment a 6.Are … [Read more...]
Here’s One Reason Dan Conley is a Lousy D.A.
Below is the text of an e-mail Ernie sent to D.A. Dan Conley's office on June 21st. They have not responded. It was sent to the e-mail address identified on the D.A.s web site."Hi, Sorry for e-mailing to this address. I do not have an … [Read more...]
Dan Conley – Hurting More than He Helps
Within the past few years Bostonâs homicide rate drastically increased while the arrest and conviction rate severely dropped. The homicide rate is not as bad as in the late 1980s and early 90s but it is well on its way. One of the … [Read more...]
New Poll
Cops v Cops
I thought of writing a little something about Romneyâs offer of state troopers to the City of Boston, but then I conceded to myself that it would be too much work to explain why it sucks. But then this. A state trooper and Boston cop … [Read more...]
Ta Da! Deadline Met
Here it is. I was saving this for âErnie â10â. But for you Devalâ¦.. I sacrifice my self interest for the greater good On the very first day in office, before dealing with economy, education, and so forth, the new governor … [Read more...]
Holy Shit! Look What Time it Is
It's 8:23 on Friday morning. Just got back from Atlantic City.I really thought I would have something by now. Let me see what I can do and I'll get back to ya. … [Read more...]
Can Someone Help Ernie..
I am preparing a comment regarding the performance of a certain elected official. I will let the excitement build as to identity. (Wait until next Friday) Ernie's attention was drawn to this person because of some facts that were called to … [Read more...]