The Massachusetts governor's race comes down to one basic question: Who can you count on to fight for Massachusetts families? When things get really tough – when you work hard, play by the rules, but something terrible happens and you're … [Read more...]
The day I met Ted Kennedy
When I was a law professor, I spent years studying why middle class families were going broke. I went into this area of study believing the hype – that people who were declaring bankruptcy must be gaming the system and going on too many … [Read more...]
The 21st Century Glass Steagall Act
When I learned last winter that I would have a seat on the Senate Banking Committee, I was very happy because I knew it would give me the opportunity to ask tough questions and push for some accountability from Wall Street and its … [Read more...]
Tricks, Traps, and Accountability
As we mark the one year anniversary of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), I’ve been thinking about how for years leading up to the 2008 financial crisis, I asked students in my contract law class to read a credit card … [Read more...]
Slammed by Student Debt
From small technical schools to big state universities, plans are underway for graduation. Excited graduates will celebrate with their friends. Proud parents will take dozens of photos. Distinguished speakers will give advice about … [Read more...]
Washington and Scott Brown Don’t Get It
One of the biggest problems with Washington is that it's rigged for those who've already made it, like successful corporations and billionaires, instead of small businesses and the middle class. I’m all for people succeeding and becoming … [Read more...]
Money Bomb Today!
Remember two years ago, all the talk about "the People's Seat"? And how that special election held two years ago today would ensure the people of Massachusetts elected a leader -- a trustworthy steward of "the People's Seat"? That's … [Read more...]
Protecting and Promoting Equality
I’ve had the chance to say it in living rooms and school auditoriums, but I’m glad to have the chance to say it here: No one – no one – should be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual … [Read more...]
I’m running!
I’m running! Today, I am launching my campaign to represent the people of Massachusetts in the United States Senate. After listening to people all across our state who know that we can do better, folks who are frustrated like I am that … [Read more...]
Middle class families vs. big banks
Do we need more proof Washington’s not working for middle class families? We got it once again this week. The big banks and their army of lobbyists couldn’t stop the creation of a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, so now they are … [Read more...]