I will expand on the reasons to vote for, work for, stump for, and give money to Jill Stein as the election season unfolds. There are literally trillions of them, as in the trillions of dollars going from your pockets into the … [Read more...]
Gov. Patrick’s hypocrisy exposes “ethics reforms” as meaningless
Much like the Global Warming Solutions Act, which does virtually nothing to solve Global Warming but stands ahead of most or all other states in the Union... these lobbying and ethics reforms were more political posturing than meaningful … [Read more...]
Hire Nat Fortune for State Auditor!
If you'd like to HIRE NAT FORTUNE, you can. Vote for him for State Auditor on November 2nd! … [Read more...]
Why the early endorsement of Governor Patrick?
Fast forward some years, and I think the evidence bears this out. First he admitted the whole "liberal thing" was a misunderstanding of who he was. Then he dismantled his grassroots apparatus and installed a pretty dismal administration … [Read more...]
The Democratic Party is Dead
War profiteers, housing profiteers, fossil fuel profiteers, climate "solution" profiteers, "health" industry profiteers, fuzzy financial instrument profiteers, drug war and prison profiteers, etc. have all worked their way so thoroughly … [Read more...]
Vote, Then Organize
This isn't a proud moment. I am disgusted by the state of our political system. I am disgusted by the state of the progressive "movement" in Massachusetts and beyond. I am disgusted by the inability of the Green Party to mount a serious … [Read more...]
The OTHER Presidential Primary
The OTHER Presidential Primary by Eli Beckerman, GRP Communications Director As we Massachusetts voters look out on the political horizon, we witness an incredible dumbing down of our democracy. Instead of seeing potential leaders who … [Read more...]
Holding Democrats accountable
It gets worse in a defense budget that is zooming to $648.8 billion. The nonpartisan budget watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense last month analyzed 309 Senate defense earmarks. Four of the top five "earmarkers" were not Republican … [Read more...]
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty
Yes, these machines will have a paper trail. The same paper trail that was found woefully inadequate in Ohio's primary election in May. In a damning report prepared by the Election Science Institute for Ohio's Cuyahoga County, nearly 10% of … [Read more...]
Help Jill Stein win office… no, seriously!
There are a huge number of factors that line up in Jill's favor here, but there has been a virtual media blackout of her campaign (go to her website, www.jillstein.org to see the really hard-hitting press releases that she's been sending … [Read more...]