Here is one way we know we're not conservative Republicans. If we were, we would clearly claim an affinity with The Watchmen. Their leader is blue. He's in great shape. And he and his crackerjack team are protecting humanity from … [Read more...]
Ted Kennedy to Be Knighted … But
(Cross-posted from Blue News Tribune.) WBUR reports: Kennedy To Be Knighted In Britain By Associated Press LONDON - March 04, 2009 - He won't be allowed to call himself Sir Ted, but Britain is awarding an honorary knighthood to U.S. Sen. … [Read more...]
Mark Penn Knows How to Quit Pakistan
Cross-posted from Blue News Tribune and Blue Hampshire. Facts are not merely stubborn, they are annoying. I don't want to think this is important, but I do. Politico reports that Burson-Marsteller and … [Read more...]
Post-Primary Coffee Break
Hello BMG -- Especially Activists from Walpole and the Surrounding Communities, On behalf of the Walpole DTC, I am inviting you to what is officially called the Bristol and Norfolk County Democratic Action Breakfast, to be held September 20 … [Read more...]
Democratic Breakfast in Walpole
Hello BMG. Long time no see. On behalf of the Walpole DTC, I am inviting you to what is officially called the Bristol and Norfolk County Democratic Action Breakfast, to be held September 20 at the Italian American Club, 109 Stone Street in … [Read more...]
Breaking: Tarsy Rehired said he didn't do it to appease critics. But anyway you cut it, this is pretty big of him, I think. … [Read more...]
March to War
I strongly urge everyone to visit Media Nation as soon as possible and watch the Robert Greenwald Fox clip (posted this morning).http://medianation.b...Thanks to our friend Dan Kennedy for posting this. Chilling is an understatement. … [Read more...]
Putting the Blue in Blue Mass Group
I know I'm asking for trouble by raising this question, but I'm going to ask it anyway.Although I am lifelong resident of Massachusetts, I came to Blue Mass Group through the back door, a link on Blue Hampshire (, so I … [Read more...]
The Ten Rules of Political Blogging
(A bit of cheerful satire, not directed at anyone here. Just some train doodling while procrastinating on what I was supposed to be doing.) Cross-posted at Blue Hampshire. All examples are fictional.1. No mention can be made of the … [Read more...]
Ford vs. Kos
(Cross-posted to Blue Hampshire. Well not really cross-posted, double posted.)I just watched the Meet the Press segment online with Harold Ford and Markos.I have to say both did well. Ford's message was clearly "We want the same thing," … [Read more...]