Here is the link to the story: I have not mastered the exact programming yet at the for Word Press platform. I have been following the Russian Press somewhat, and Fyodor Lukyanov is … [Read more...]
On Redistribution, Or, “Afghanistan Peace Dividend Stimulus Lotto? OK!”
They tell us we’re dropping about $10 billion a month in Afghanistan so we can catch that Bin Laden guy...but eventually, we’re gonna catch him, and as soon as we do you can imagine that folks will be wondering why we’re still over there – … [Read more...]
Mark Penn Knows How to Quit Pakistan
Cross-posted from Blue News Tribune and Blue Hampshire. Facts are not merely stubborn, they are annoying. I don't want to think this is important, but I do. Politico reports that Burson-Marsteller and … [Read more...]
Stunning Op Ed in the Boston Globe – by the new President of Pakistan
It says something that the newly-elected President of Pakistan has, himself, written and posted an Op Ed in the Boston Globe. Perhaps Boston was chosen in part because of the Sloan School - or Harvard. Only Asif Ali Zardari, the … [Read more...]
Prescience: “Are we building Democracy or fueling extremism?” SFRC 7/07, Musharraf’s Resignation
Look... Let me be frank about this. Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which included Kerry and Biden, and other high advisers have been telling Bush for a long time. Musharraf is a dictator and can not be a … [Read more...]
As Goes Pakistan, So Goes Iowa … But I’m Still Putting My Money On Colonel Mustard and Ms. Scarl
Boy, and we all thought that it was just Iraq that the Bush Grindhouse & Regime was going to leave the next President - and us - as a pile of shit. Iraq may end up looking like Main Street USA, on July 4th, with what goes down in … [Read more...]
Yesterday’s rally of Lawyers in support of the Pakistani Lawyers
The President of the Asian Bar Association, as well as Amnesty International, the Hispanic Bar Association and others spoke. I recognized members of the distric attorneys staff, senior partners from law firms, the Executive Director … [Read more...]
The Clock is Ticking on Musharraf
The endgame will likely come on Friday, when former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto holds a long-planned political rally in the city of Rawalpindi, right next to the capital Islamabad.Why is this site important? It was a historical … [Read more...]
Chinks in the armor
As I said, Burma is a pretty clear case. Nobel Laureate Aum Sun Suu Kyi was leader of the National League of Democracy, which won democratic elections in 1989 (while she was in jail). The military ignored the elections, and has … [Read more...]