If I feel my blood pressure falling, all I need to do is watch one episode of Undercover Boss, a hit TV show on CBS. Each show follows a standard plot line. The owner or CEO of a company goes under cover as a regular Joe trying to make a … [Read more...]
American Capitalism
Read a version of this at a favorite news group of mine and had to share. Author unknown. American Capitalism: The owner of a business pulls into the company parking lot, driving a new Lexus. One of his … [Read more...]
10 Things You Must Believe to Oppose Universal Health Care
Something I wrote a few years ago, an old favorite I would like to share. In order to oppose Universal Health Care (UHC) and support Market Based Health Care (MBHC), you have to believe the following statements to be … [Read more...]
There is no better lie than the half truth, part deux.
The undocumented immigrants (or illegal aliens if you are a Republican) are doing the jobs that Americans will not do. This is another half truth. The full truth is that undocumented immigrants are doing the jobs that Americans will … [Read more...]
There is no better lie than the half truth.
Half Truth "a statement that conveys only part of the truth, especially one used deliberately in order to deceive someone." There are quite a few half truths out there that anger me. Here's one that's in the news lately. We hear … [Read more...]
So what if the pharaoh’s pyramid will be a little shorter this month?
It’s a snowy Tuesday and I’ve got the day off from work. Actually, we’re in the middle of a blizzard and the governor has declared a state of emergency, no travel allowed, all mass transit is closed down. Unless you are working in a … [Read more...]
“Hard Earned Money” and America’s Belief in Fairness.
Republicans defend tax cuts for the wealthy as they stand before an audience of ordinary working people, shake their finger and say, “I’m not going to let the government take your hard earned money!” It resonates with us. It sounds fair. I … [Read more...]
“I am a social liberal, but a fiscal conservative”….. and if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.
"I am a social liberal, a but fiscal conservative" I hear people say this a lot and frankly, I’m tired of it. I’m tired of playing nice, being cordial, respecting their opinion, Kumbaya and all that (what someone called timidity.) I … [Read more...]
Time for Democrats to get a new playbook.
Republicans said Sunday that the new GOP-led Congress will focus the Senate's agenda on jobs and the economy. Charlie Baker (and Martha Coakley) ran on jobs and the economy. We know how that turned out. Unemployment in the USA and the … [Read more...]
Where’s the Outreach?
Looks like the Democrats are in the midst of a subcommittee restructuring. I took a look at the possibilities of joining an Outreach Group: Affirmative Action and Outreach, GLBT Outreach, Senior Outreach, Women Outreach, Disability … [Read more...]