January 9, 2009 Dear Boston Elected Officials: With the recent ethics scandals afflicting our local politicians, transparency and openness in government are getting renewed interest. Since the government is an extension of its citizens and … [Read more...]
Boston City Council still trying to give away public control over Boston Common???
Mike Ross is having a working session on the status of Boston Common Monday afternoon at Boston City Hall. In a process that would make George Orwell proud, Councilor Ross advises you to bring 15 copies of what information or testimony you … [Read more...]
Boston Common going Private???
I've been following up on my Monday Blog about the Boston City Council wanting to create a Conservancy to manage or oversee the Boston Common. Apparently the blog made quite the impact and numerous calls were made to City Hall and the Globe … [Read more...]
Point and Counterpoint on the Bailout
I wrote my congressman and let him know I opposed the bailout. For those of us old enough to remember the Savings and Loan crisis and the fallout, this latest financial meltdown was all too predictable. Just as predictable that Tom Menino … [Read more...]
Come meet and support Sonia Chang-Diaz in the South End, Wednesday September 3
Here is what Shirley has to say: In the upcoming SEPTEMBER 16 PRIMARY ELECTION, Sonia will be on the ballot running against current Senator Dianne Wilkerson. We have known Sonia for 3 years now and have been impressed by her … [Read more...]
Thoughts from the Road, on how “Green” America is
The SUV is virtually an ‘America only’ vehicle, which is seen only intermittently elsewhere, and even then the vast majority are of the BMW X-3 size, not the mammoth Chevy Suburbans or Ford Excursions. We could count the … [Read more...]
A Place for Deval to use his Bully Pulpit
There is a program called the Boston Jobs Policy. 50% of the construction jobs in the City are supposed to go to Bostonians, 25% to minorities and 10 percent to women. However, this policy is not enforced, and basically given lip service by … [Read more...]