The Globe’s lead editorial today recognizes the rising backlash against overuse and misuse of standardized testing. The editorial says that “resistance has grown louder, accompanied by some specific complaints: about schools overloading on … [Read more...]
Heads Up: House to vote on charter cap bill this Wed.!
Quoting here from this week's Citizens for Public Schools' "News You Can Use about Our Schools": "This Wednesday, May 21, the House is expected to take up a bill that includes lifting the cap on charter school spending. House Bill 3984 … [Read more...]
Join us at the CPS Charter Forum This Saturday
BMG-ers and others are welcome to join us this Saturday, Jan. 25, at Madison Park High School in Boston for a forum and community discussion on charter schools in Massachusetts. Speakers will include Daniella Ann Cook, author of Voices … [Read more...]
A Teacher Cries out Over the Damage of Test Prep
This comes thanks to the blogger EduShyster. Since the MA Statement Against High-Stakes Testing prompted some discussion of test prep, I thought people would be interested in a more close to the ground description of this widespread … [Read more...]
137 MA Professors, Researchers Sign Statement against High-Stakes Testing
This press release went out today: for immediate release, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 136+ MASSACHUSETTS EDUCATION PROFESSORS, RESEARCHERS ENDORSE STATEMENT AGAINST HIGH-STAKES TESTING More than 136 Massachusetts education professors and … [Read more...]
Coalition Urges Massachusetts Education Officials to Reconsider Controversial Gates Foundation Partnership
Yesterday, the Mass. PTA, the American Civil Liberties Union of Mass., the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood and Citizens for Public Schools wrote to education officials and Governor Patrick demanding they reconsider a plan to share … [Read more...]
Save Our Schools: Sign The National Resolution on High-Stakes Testing
It's school testing time in Massachusetts and across the nation. With more than a decade of state and federally mandated high-stakes testing under our belts, has the nation come to terms with testing's impact on our schools? Not so much. … [Read more...]
Stand for Children Article with a local angle/sidebar
Those of you on this list who are especially interested in education policy and politics in Massachusetts will want to read Rethinking Schools' special report on Stand for Children, "For or Against Children," with a sidebar on the … [Read more...]
Citizens for Public Schools Fall Conference, Oct. 15 On Saturday, Oct. 15, join parents, teachers, students and concerned citizens at the Bayside Expo Center to share ideas, strategize and organize to achieve our goal: quality public schools for … [Read more...]
New Report Says State Proposal Would Impose Costly Testing Mandate and Damaging Teacher Eval Scheme
I thought BMG folks who are passionate about (or at least interested in) public education and education policy would like to know about a new FairTest report on the state's proposed teacher evaluation system, which our authors -- educators … [Read more...]