Here's news from Carolyn: - her web site - endorsed by the Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus - endorsed by the Sierra Club, Massachusetts Chapter - endorsed by the Southborough Democratic Town Committee Carolyn is smart, organized, … [Read more...]
Middle class help
Oh, right. They're saving their precious typing power for haircuts or Hillary sobbing like a toddler (they wish!) or Obama's middle name (or maybe his ears). Yup, they know substance when they see it. Maureen Dowd, now … [Read more...]
Unassailable generals
John Kerry said: I don’t like any kind of characterizations in our politics that call into question any active duty, distinguished general, ... who I think under any circumstances serves with the best interests of our country. … [Read more...]
Insurgents v. party regulars
Regulars carp that they've never seen the insurgents until they just showed up at a caucus. Insurgents sometimes encourage this by winning once and then never coming back to do the steady work of reform from within.Insurgents often … [Read more...]
Convention transparency
All candidates gained the ballot.Counting fewer than 5000 votes still took so long that the convention lasted into the evening.Each of the gubernatorial candidates is a credible candidate; I will support the winner after September. … [Read more...]