Have you ever had a debt go into collections? Did you know that a lot of consumer protections 'fall off' when the debt is sold to a third party? 23% of Mass residents are dealing with this, and the House has a chance to help. In response … [Read more...]
BREAKING: Amendment to delay Earned Sick Leave in front of State Senate today.
BREAKING: Unexpected vote today. An amendment has been slipped onto an unrelated bill to delay the implementation of Earned Sick Leave by a year from July 1 of this year to July 1, 2016. Can you make a quick call to your state senator and … [Read more...]
Can we prevent against (more) financial predators, please?
A troubling debt management bill has been fast-tracked through the House in recent weeks; passing out of Financial Services, through House Ways & Means, and is on the calendar for consideration on the floor. Of particular concern is … [Read more...]
Nuance, Questions on Plan B Debate
As a lifelong supporter of women's reproductive freedom, I am troubled by the recent discussion of the Plan B contraceptive pill. I see the usual partisan alignments, including on this forum, but I wonder if there may be more going on … [Read more...]
How about some tax equity for the working poor?
Please call your state elected officials in support of S1317. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a federal tax credit for low-income working families. The EITC offsets some or all of those families’ federal income taxes and in many … [Read more...]
Why Are We Sequestering When the Deficit is Shrinking?
The mainstream media seems to be missing a big story here, and I welcome your thoughts on why. While political reporters are breathlessly covering the brinksmanship on the sequester, they have stopped referencing the background. … [Read more...]
The fiscal crisis in Mass households needs more attention
A new report out today by the Corporation for Enterprise Development looks at measures of financial security by state, and Massachusetts does not exactly shine. We do get high marks in education, healthcare, and average incomes, compared to … [Read more...]