Well, you didn’t bite with electing my friend David D’Arcangelo as Secretary of State and now we have another 2,000 years of Galvin. Let’s give you all another chance. Let’s start a movement to welcome the Olympics to Massachusetts … [Read more...]
Machiavellian Proposition
I would like to propose that Blue Mass Group support David D'Arcangelo for Secretary of State. I have been on BMG about ten years - long enough to absorb what is important to you (in a hive-mind way) and what you believe in. I don't … [Read more...]
Just Curious
Did any of you BMGers catch Marisa deFranco's appearance on Greta VanSusteren last night? She was quite eloquent about the sexism of the DCCC and the MA Dems. Personally, I think the Party just wants to prop up Tierney as a sure thing … [Read more...]
For Somerville Tom
I cannot reply to comments, so this is for Tom. You say that government has a role in regulation and labeling of product and I agree. But it doesn't mandate the provision of free orange juice. Insurance companies agree that … [Read more...]
Why are comments off?
I read this post - http://bluemassgroup.com/author/jeffc/ - which is currently front-paged. It mentioned that Cape Cod 'led the way' in passing this resolution. I wanted to observe that it also led the way in defeating it, as three town … [Read more...]
Whoo-Hoo! Frabjous Day! Calloo-Callay!
From the mid-day update of the Cape Cod Times:"Congressional leaders today reached a compromise that strips language from a Coast Guard reauthorization bill that would have given the governor the power to stop the proposed Nantucket Sound … [Read more...]