Where I differ with the tea party is lowering corporate taxes. According to the Urban and Brookings Institutes, the percentage of federal revenue coming from individuals, including sole proprietors was 41.5%, the percentage paid by … [Read more...]
Our Boston Tea Party Revealed
GOP Job Creation Plan, Suppress Everyone’s Wages
For those who have a slight grasp of economics this is astonishing. Let me explain, labor costs = American wages. By increasing the supply of labor, wages decrease. This is basic economics of supply and demand. So … [Read more...]
Voter IDs cross posted from RMG
http://redmassgroup.com/diary/... … [Read more...]
Outsourcing Caused State Deficits, Not The Public Unions
3. If California had held its share of manufacturing jobs from 2000-2007, its state budget would be in balance. Unfortunately there are those who still adhere and believe the conservative free trade mantra is good for everyone. The … [Read more...]
US Domestic Oil Production Is At A Ten Year High, Yet GOP Blames Obama For Spike In Gas Prices
The Financial Times is reporting that domestic oil production in 2010 was at a ten year high. According to the US government's Energy Information Administration, domestic Oil and gas production rose 3% in 2010 to an average of 7.51million … [Read more...]
Will The Real Teaparty Please Stand Up
"When I first heard of the Tea Party, I honestly believed this was going to be good for the middle class. Billions were borrowed to bailout Wall St. and the fat cats and the people were rising up in protest. The middle class was … [Read more...]
2011 CPAC proves it, JOBS are not on the agenda
Speakers ranged from Rep. Michelle Bachmann to Texas Governor Rick Perry and potential 2012 Republican Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney. Each speaker tossed the red meat to their base of teapartiers and crimson red supporters. Some spoke … [Read more...]
A new business model for a stronger America
Milton Friedman, Nobel prize-winning economist wrote those fierce words back in 1970 in his article "The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase its Profits." Mr. Friedman is fairly narrow minded in this aspect. A … [Read more...]
Today’s democrats are yesterday’s GOP
The 1956 Republican platform was as liberal as the democratic party's platform today and that is NOT a compliment. "Under the Republican Administration, as our country has prospered, so have its people. This is as it should be, … [Read more...]
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