A great day in Boston with 1,000 of my closest friends. The poor sound system reduced this to crowd shots, etc., but you can find the news reports elsewhere. It was fun to see Charlie and other stalwarts later at Champions. Now … [Read more...]
Real Americans Don’t Need Their Pinkies Anyway
They discussed pros and cons, and the fact that Rice is retired and that the injury was to a relatively unimportant finger on his non-dominant hand. Still, the doctor tried to talk Rice into reattachment. "He disagreed with that plan," … [Read more...]
A digest of conservative reaction to Senator Kennedy’s death
From Right Wing News:After someone shakes off their mortal coil, I believe a certain amount of deference is due. Their friends should be able to say nice things about them and the people who disagree should show enough class and tact to … [Read more...]
Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Weekend
As an aside that hooks up to the events of this past week, I noticed this:Few if any rookies had stepped into as potentially stressful a situation as Rice did when he was called up. He was a black player from a southern town coming to a … [Read more...]
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, Everyone!
America, filled with optimism that the road ahead can only lead to better things, packs up the Edsel and heads off for the long weekend. … [Read more...]
Feingold Blocks Bill to Honor Reagan
Feingold's spokesman said that the noncontroversial bill would be a good vehicle for the internment amendment, which he said is also noncontroversial.I think Feingold is daring the Republicans to risk being seen as indifferent to real, sad … [Read more...]
e.e. cummings, eat your heart out!
Although April is Poetry Month, it seems there's been precious little of it offered up on these pages. Of course, in working-class New England, the wildflowers peeking through the grime-covered pockets of still-not-melted snow inspire … [Read more...]
Who Is The Real Joe McCain?
911 Dispatcher: 911. State your emergency. Caller: The wheels are coming off the [expletive] bus! 911 Dispatcher: Has there been an accident? Caller: No, it's no accident; Mom always liked him best... 911 … [Read more...]
So I'm at my son's soccer game, and I turn to one of the other parents and say, "How do you feel about the economy?" And she says, "I don't really want to answer that question, but I do want to point out that you can put lipstick on a … [Read more...]
Lament of the Undecided Democrat
I hate the primary season. It's an exercise in mandatory hair-splitting, but I realize it's a necessary evil. It's painful to have to decide, because we're called upon to differentiate between candidates -- any one of whom would make, … [Read more...]