You guessed it - still not liberal. In their story about President Obama's speech on financial reform this evening (5 PM), the WBZ news-reader (Diane Stern?) reported: "Republicans claim that the financial reform measure will encourage more … [Read more...]
Your liberal media
Still not liberal. Heard on WBZ this morning at 6:50-ish, Debra Lawler reporting: Hundreds of thousands of unemployed may get extended benefits due to 4 Senate Republicans, including Scott Brown. (No mention of Senate Democrats who voted … [Read more...]
Should I avoid voting for a Catholic?
I am not Catholic, so I have only an outsider's understanding of what partaking in the Roman Catholic Church's sacraments mean to members of the Church. I believe strongly that I should be answerable to the country's laws, and not … [Read more...]
Ed Walsh (WBZ radio) piles on against Barack
I have two questions for Walsh and WBZ: 1. Is there evidence Rev Wright "spewed his bile week after week"? I have only heard two sound bites from Wright sermons, let alone a whole sermon or weeks and weeks of them. Does Walsh … [Read more...]