On April 19th, on the fifteenth anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing, MSNBC will televise live footage of interviews with Timothy McVeigh, the right wing mastermind of the attack. In light of all the turbulence and controversy … [Read more...]
Back to the future in Massachusetts: A Post Script – Brown Snubs Palin
Earlier this year in an article titled "Back to the Future in Massachusetts"(1/24/10), I made the following observations among others: "No analysis of the 2010 Massachusetts election can be complete without acknowledging that the Tea Party … [Read more...]
Progressives, Its Time To Take The Offensive!
Conservative columnist, David Brooks once pointed out that the Internet has had the net effect of not bringing us closer together, but rather, driving us further apart. By allowing individuals to coalesce into narrower, self-reinforcing … [Read more...]
The Hutaree Militia and the Foiled Fantasy of a “Citizen’s Uprising”
Anyone who thinks I am off course on the topic of right-wing extremism should consider the latest incident that was reported on the evening news. Over the weekend the FBI arrested nine members of the Hutaree Militia, located in southern … [Read more...]
Coming Unhinged On the Far Right
I for one am not surprised at the reports surfacing over the last twenty four hours that there have been attacks, threats and vandalism aimed at Democrats who voted in favor of health care reform. As of this morning there are ten such … [Read more...]
Back to the Future in Massachusetts
Congratulations to Scott Brown in his history making upset victory in Massachusetts, it surely shows that no seat is safe or certain in the age of the independent voter or amid the shifting tides of anti-incumbent sentiments. The one thing … [Read more...]
The Flawed Logic of William Kristol
In a recent Washington Post article titled "A Good Time to be a Conservative"; Mr. Kristol made a bold assumption, claiming the "center of gravity" within the Republican Party would shift farther to the right, propelled in that direction by … [Read more...]
Mr. Limbaugh’s Nazi Obsession
It is a cardinal rule in American political discourse that one refrain from associating an opponent or an opposing position with Adolph Hitler or the Nazis. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) discovered this all too well when he found himself on … [Read more...]
Discerning the Meaning of the 2009 Elections
It will be weeks, if not months, before the analysis of 2009's off year election results fade from the forefront of political commentary, particularly among conservatives. While the White House spin machine is content with downplaying the … [Read more...]
Barack Obama, Islamic Radicalism and the Issue of America’s Vulnerability
Try as they will, Conservatives have not really been able to make a good argument that Obama, by moving away from the failed foreign policies of the Bush Administration, has in reality made America less safe. Instead they have responded … [Read more...]