I was struck, twice, by an odd notion I heard on WBUR during stories on Israel. First, yesterday evening, Robert Siegel, interviewing Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev, asked, rhetorically, whether President Abbas could really be … [Read more...]
Earth to Justice Department: Waterboarding is Illegal
A headline in today's news reads: "Justice Says Waterboarding Not Legal Now." But as I read the statement of Steven G. Bradbury, the Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, the DOJ has not been quite so … [Read more...]
Gore, Edwards to Endorse Obama?
Has anyone seen this rumor? And any thoughts about the apparent decision (assuming the rumor is true) to wait until after Super Tuesday? TedF … [Read more...]
I finally got around today to watching the Obama Iowa victory speech. When was the last time a crowd of Democrats has chanted "USA! USA!"? The funny thing is, while I usually can't bear to take part in that kind of chanting, I was caught up … [Read more...]
Ban Retail Rebate Scams!
My wife and I don't watch TV, or at least we didn't until Lost came around. Now we are eagerly awaiting the beginning of Season 4. For Christmas, I bought her a Tivo box so that we can tape the show without commercials. The box was … [Read more...]
Where are you, John Hosty?
I promised a while back not to post any more on the Laguer affair (I can't link to the promise--it seems to have been a reply to a post that was removed?), but I am just curious to know why we haven't heard from Laguer's camp regarding his … [Read more...]
Beware Of Genetics!
There are a bunch of responses that seem clearly improper right off the bat:1. It would be obviously wrong to conclude that such a link permits any moral, ethical, or political conclusion that one race is superior or inferior to another.2. … [Read more...]
Mortgage Madness
Attorney General Coakley has promulgated new regulations that would forbid mortgage lenders and brokers from making a loan unless they have a reasonable belief that the buyer will be able to repay.My reaction: What kind of a world do we … [Read more...]
Are Americans Big Babies? Blame Bush
Since when do we not care about what the leader of a major regional power has to say, particularly where a war between his country and ours seems perilously close? And since when do we simply refuse to speak to people with whom we don't … [Read more...]
Lerach to Plead Guilty: Long Live the Class Action!
Indeed, the class action has been so successful that now big business probably spends as much time fighting on second-level issues, seeking to restrict the availiability of the class action, to enact new federal laws to preempt many of the … [Read more...]