With apologies to Bernstein who did something like this in the prelim and will surely do it again for the general, it seems worthwhile to do our own BMG prediction game. Nothing but pride at stake. Cast your vote, and we'll declare the guru … [Read more...]
Movin’ On Up…
Taking off from today's Globe articles, this seems like as good a time and place as any to get some more perspective about the Democratic Party's "bench" for possible openings in 2013 and 2014. I'll throw out some names. Apologies for … [Read more...]
A few thoughts on Brown-Warren
I think we can all agree that the People's Agreement was a mistake by him. In trying to keep out environmental, women's and labor groups in particular, he put himself in a position to destroy his own likeability. He should have counted on … [Read more...]
Shoe’s on the Other Foot: Dems Getting Tougher?
The Washington Post makes what I think is an excellent point this morning. Remember back to the 2004 presidential campaign where conservatives — led by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth — effectively undermined Sen. John Kerry’s (D) candidacy … [Read more...]
PPP Poll Take-Aways
A few take-aways from last Friday's second level PPP poll. John Kerry is now the most popular politician in the state. Who saw that coming? Martha Coakley is in a dead heat on fav/unfav with Scott Brown. And so begins the “Draft … [Read more...]
Barack Obama a Top-10 President?
I don't know much about Washington Monthly, but this in-depth article/column caught my eye today. Rest assured, I haven't been one of the President's biggest fans. Yes, count me among those progressives who expected more. Count me among … [Read more...]