Hi All: Does anyone know of a contractor like GroSolar that fits homes for wind power generation? It appears that my house is not facing the proper directon or that my property has too many trees to make a solar panel installation … [Read more...]
Let’s hear it for…..
National Grid. They had the foresight to opt into buying half the power generated by the Cape Wind Project. It's a good start, but there is still much to be done in this area. Thank you again National Grid. Respectfully … [Read more...]
Obama calls India creator, not poacher, of US jobs
P.S. What about H.I.P.A.A.? For those of you not in the health industry, this abbreviation stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The legislation addresses the issue of privacy of protected health information. (e.g. … [Read more...]
Menino bans company from working in Boston
Today, Mayor Menino banned the company that accidently hit the gas line which caused a house to explode in Hyde Park from working in Boston. Under what authority can he do this? Wouldn't it take at least a resolution by the Boston City … [Read more...]
Authorized and Paid for by The Massachusetts Democratic Party
So it seems to me that the Chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party has no qualms with the ultra conservative ideals Rush holds dear. My question to Chairman Walsh is why are you not chiding Rush publicly for opposing major parts of … [Read more...]
News ….from another universe
At a press conference today outside the Massachusetts State House, Democratic Party Chairman John Walsh publicly admonished State Representative Michael Rush for actively seeking the endorsement of Massachusetts Citizens for Life. Chairman … [Read more...]
Scary stuff in the Suffolk & Norfolk State Senate District
Just recently, I found out that the Democratic nominee for State Senator in my district, Michael Rush of West Roxbury actively sought and has received the endorsement of Massachusetts Citizens for Life. He has also … [Read more...]
The Democratic Party gets lots of publicity
Hi All: Jackass 3D opened in theaters nationwide yesterday! If activism within the Democratic Party got one tenth of the publicity that this movie is getting, I wouldn't have ultra conservative (anti-choice & anti- equal marriage … [Read more...]
Campaign Tactics 101
I just saw the Parade Order for this year's Roslindale Day Parade, and it appears that Governor Patrick will not be attending. How foolish! He show have made it a point of showing up as the first rule of campaigning is mobilizing your base. … [Read more...]
Campaign Tactics 101
I just saw the Parade Order for this year's Roslindale Day Parade, and it appears that Governor Patrick will not be attending. How foolish! He should have made it a point of showing up as the first rule of campaigning is mobilizing your … [Read more...]