Right after President Obama’s health care presser the other night, Chris Matthews predicted that Obama had “stepped on his headline” by venturing into the controversy still swirling around Gatesgate. Initial results showed him to be right only around here. But today, the national papers are getting more excited about Gates, and less excited about health care.
Today’s NY Times has Gatesgate on page 1 above the fold, and health care down at the bottom. And even the WaPo, the paper of record for the town in which the health care negotiations are actually happening, has the Gatesgate story on page 1, directly below the health care story. (Click for larger images.)
Around here, needless to say, it’s all Gatesgate all the time — there’s hardly room on the front page for anything else.
Don’t make your father pull this car over!
be right once in a while.
p>Gates acted like a jerk, Crowley (it’s my guess) called him out so he could arrest him for disorderly conduct (a public offense), Obama though correct in his “stupidly” assessment (shouldn’t have gotten into it when he did).
p>Kudos to the President for having the stones to call up Crowley and semi-apologize.
p>Is anyone else getting sick of MSNBC hosts badgering guests to get them to say what they want? Last night, Doug Shuster would not let Charlie Pierce say what he wanted. He pressed Pierce like he was a politician trying to evade an answer. If he’s there to give his opinion, Shuster should have let him talk.
p>Contessa Brewer brings on her uncle who is a doctor who spouts the AMA party-line because it’s clear he knows nothing else.
p>I’m not even talking about Scarborough.
p>It seems like everyone on the network, but amazingly they’re even more ignorant than he is. One Matthews is tolerable. He doesn’t need to be cloned.
Here is what he said at an impromptu visit to the briefing room.
how many verbal missteps had dubya made by this point in his presidency?