Interesting article in the NY Times magazine (reg. req'd) about Harvard prof David Cutler, veteran of the Clinton health care plan wars, and now advocate of various reforms that would evaluate doctors and hospitals based on results. The … [Read more...]
Special elections update
A good post by Frederick Clarkson on the state of the three special elections and on the emerging role of bloggers in local politics, with some helpful links. Remember: election day is TUESDAY, MARCH 15! If you live in the … [Read more...]
Sometimes a cartoon really hits the nail on the head
Chip Bok says all that needs to be said about the bankruptcy "reform" bill. … [Read more...]
Regressives Run from Responsibility
An instructive piece today from regressive David Brooks. The pundit had a rich meal in New Orleans, asked for decaffinated coffee, then lamented this, in his words, pusillanimous request. Why was he so weak? "I blame the people at the … [Read more...]
Splitting the progressive vote
There's a real risk that the "progressive" vote in next Tuesday's special election to fill Brian Golden's seat in the 18th Suffolk district will be split between two candidates, Tim Schofield and Michael Moran. And the … [Read more...]
The silliest argument for phase-out yet:
You ready for this? From Josh Marshall, I present to you Prof. Isaac Ehrlich, SUNY Buffalo:"Current Social Security systems in the U.S. and elsewhere have someunintended consequences, which include disincentives to form familiesand … [Read more...]
Gov race roundup
Lots to read over the last couple of days for those interested in the 2006 Governor's race. Here are some links:The Globe reports new scary poll numbers for Mitt Romney (see also the recent State House News Service poll, discussed … [Read more...]
Sen. Feingold weighs in on campaign finance and the internet
This post at MyDD by Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI, of McCain-Feingold fame) is worth reading. He says all the right things about letting uncompensated bloggers endorse whoever they want without worrying about campaign finance law, … [Read more...]